
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Transforming the shared built environment: The Habitat Project in Maputo

04 February 2025, 4:00 pm–7:50 pm


A DPU Urban Transformation Research Cluster Dialogues in Development event

Event Information

Open to





Alex Macfarlane


Room 403, Senate House
Malet Street


The Hábitat Project has been implemented in Maputo since 2016 to advocate for the right to the city, promoting urban environments that facilitate access to human rights. We expand the traditional approach to neighborhood improvement -typically centered on housing and basic habitability- to include quality of life (livelihood) linked to public space. We propose human-centered urban management as a mechanism to protect populations living in rapidly urbanizing areas. This approach requires a new way of promoting, respecting, defending, and fulfilling human rights.

Our work is focused on Chamanculo C, an informal settlement home to over 22,000 people (53% women), where we provide an alternative to urban expansion that systematically displaces low-income families to the periphery. Our intervention in public spaces follows a comprehensive approach to strengthen gender-sensitive public policy. Through a participatory process, we developed a slum upgrading method, which was institutionalized in an urban law: the Plano de Pormenor das Áreas Residenciais Chamanculo C (PPARC). We are supporting local authorities in its implementation by strengthening the capacities of municipal institutions, civil society, and the community. Public and domestic space transformation, land tenure security, legal coverage promotion, and participatory urban governance enhance safety, economic stability, and neighborhood enjoyment -particularly for women and vulnerable groups- while mitigating risks of violence.

Starting in 2025, in addition to applying the 9-step method to the right to the city -including land tenure, urban services, and housing for new families- we will reinforce the project with climate change adaptation measures in the neighborhood. Furthermore, we are partnering with DPU-UCL in the OWS Project to incorporate active mobility initiatives for children. This expansion will deepen access to global justice in all its dimensions for over 3,200 families currently living below the dignity threshold defined by UN-Habitat.

The speaker

Sara Márquez Martín, the project coordinator for Maputo for Arquitectura Sin Frontera. Sara is an architect and urban planner with more than 10 years of experience in participatory urbanism and inclusive city development in the global south.

Local Partners

Maputo City Council, Institute for Access to Justice (IAJ) of the Mozambican Bar Association (OAM), Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor, Polytechnic Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences (IPCTA) under the Ministry of Land and Environment, Center for Biodiversity and Environment (CEDAB) at the Faculty of Law of Eduardo Mondlane University, Rádio Maxaquene, Mapeando Meu Bairro, Maputo Street Art, AVSI Foundation, and AMURET (Women’s Resources Association).


Barcelona City Council, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), SELAVIP Foundation, Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia Provincial Council, and the Government of Navarra.