
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Book launch: Urban informality and the built environment

26 September 2024, 11:00 am–12:30 pm

Book launch: Urban informality and the built environment

Join the DPU for a Dialogues in Development book launch of Urban informality and the built environment.

Event Information

Open to





Alexander Macfarlane


Senate House Building
Malet Street

About this event

Urban Informality and the Built Environment demonstrates the value of greater and more diverse forms of engagement of built environment disciplines in what constitutes urban informality and its politics. It brings a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of informality and the built environment in diverse contexts, drawing on recent research by architects, planners, political scientists, geographers and urban theorists.

The book presents different case studies from multiple geographies, drawing attention to the need for studying urban informality in the Global North and Global South. The cases promote a cross-fertilization between disciplines, lenses, geographies and methodologies. They range from the creative place-making of street artists in Accra, to the morphological evolution of urban Tirana, urban agriculture in la Habana and social reproduction in Greece. Additional contributions highlight the cross-cutting themes of infrastructure, exchange and image.

Urban Informality and the Built Environment introduces built environment disciplines to its constitutive roles in producing urban informality. It also tests a range of new methodologies to the study of urban informality, demonstrating the possibilities for new insights when building on the relational understanding of urban informality.


Dr Azadeh Mashayekhi, Lecturer (Teaching) MSc Dissertations, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU)


Professor Catalina Ortiz, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU)

The response will be led by Nerea Amorós Elorduy (The Bartlett School of Architecture), Nikhilesh Sinha (DPU) and Professor Colin Marx (DPU)