
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


T-SUM Public Lecture: Principles underpinning sustainable urban transitions

07 March 2019, 5:00 pm–8:00 pm

T Sum

Event Information

Open to





Dr Daniel Oviedo Hernandez


The Common Ground, Institute of Advanced Study
Gower Street

You are warmly invited to join us on March 7TH for a public event where we will discuss the principles underpinning sustainable urban transitions and the extent to which rapidly growing cities in the Global South can benefit from it. This event is organised in the context of theGCRF/ESRC funded project T-SUM Transitions to Sustainable Urban Mobility.


When: Thursday March 7th between 5PM and 8PM

Where: UCL, London

The keynote speaker for this event will be:

  • Professor Nick Tyler, CBE, Director of the UCL Centre for Transport Studies and Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering, CEGE, UCL

The panel discussion will involve:

  • Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone
  • Professor Peter Jones, OBE, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, UCL
  • Holger Dalkmann, Urban Theme Lead for the DFID-funded High Volume Transport (HVT) programme
  • Dr. Debbie Hopkins, Lecturer, University of Oxford

The event will be followed by a cocktail reception including a speech from UCL’s Vice-Provost Research Professor David Price.

The event will be chaired by Professor Caren Levy from the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL.

T-SUM is a transdisciplinary and internationally collaborative initiative that aims to identify the conditions under which pathways to sustainable and inclusive transport and land use development can be accelerated in growing cities in Sub-Saharan African cities (taking Freetown and Maputo as case study cities). The project's research and legacy activities will be coproduced with a diverse team from different backgrounds and sectors.

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