Open urbanism. Designing and activating territorial regeneration processes, in Italy
23 April 2019, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
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Dr Camillo Boano
DPU Room 10134 Tavistock SquareLondonWC1H 9EZ
In the current context of political, economic, social and environmental uncertainty, is it still possible to design and activate processes of territorial regeneration? The book is composed of three parts that introduce, narrate, exemplify, propose and problematize the topic of territorial planning. The three parts make up a palindrome book, which allows two or more readings: from the eclectic Atlas of Planning, to the vision and current projects for a fragile Italy, the BelPaese or Italy 4.0, up to the sequence of suggested actions for a process of Open planning, or on the contrary. Today it’s more necessary than ever to adopt new territorial tools of Open Planning as a process, tentatively trying also to update the definition of Offenen Planung / Open Planning given with foresight in 1968 by the philosopher Lucius Burkhardt.
Speaker Bio
Isabella Inti. Architect, PhD in Territorial Planning and Public Policy at IUAV Venice, she teaches Urban Design and is Technical Director of the Temporary Post-Graduate Course at Politecnico di Milano. She has carried out researches, seminars, workshops, summer schools and has been a guest critic, visiting lecturer at numerous universities and international academies including Berkeley (USA), Hasan Prishtina (Kosovo), EPFL (Switzerland), Changsha University (China). She deals with territorial regeneration processes, has carried out numerous temporary reuse of abandoned spaces projects, giving prominence to self-organized services and care communities. She runs the Stecca 3 socio-cultural center in Milan. Founder of association, she is author of Temporiuso. Manual for the temporary reuse of abandoned spaces, in Italy (2014), INU literature award (2015). She has exhibited among others at Triennale di Milano (2001, 2015, 2018), Venice Architecture Biennale (2003), Kunst Werke of Berlin (2004), Fundacio Tapies Barcelona, CAC Vilnius (2004), Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (2005), Museo Villa Croce Genova (2006), Archweek Perugia (2011), National Library of Kosovo in Pristina (2014), Mikser Festival in Belgrade (2016), Politecnico di Milano (2005-19).
Photo: Filippo Romano