The DPU produces engaging blogs written by staff, students, alumni and partners on a range of relevant and topical subjects

No Man is an Island
Written by Ruochan Liu, Rachel Cobbinah, Di Hu, Celine Sola Gracia Lumban Gaol, Bayu Laksono Jati, Yuan Meng, Meerim Osmonalieva, Ricca Padyansari, Amich Kemala Damariyan, Nuzula Firda Sa’adhati, Xinran Zou
This blog was written for the Overseas Practice Engagement (OPE) 2021 for the module Social Development in Practice. In 2021, the OPE focused on the role of inclusive design and planning in supporting disabled people and older residents achieve their aspiration of inclusive public space and community participation in Solo, Indonesia.
Chile will write its new Constitution building on a more diverse, plural and female ‘we’
By Camila Cociña, Ignacia Ossul Vermehren and Lieta Vivaldi
On Sunday 16th May 2021, Chileans elected the 155 citizens that will write the new Constitution. With the country voting in favour of a gender-balanced assembly, with indigenous and minority representation, we discuss what this latest development means for inclusion in Chile and the possibility for change and hope elsewhere.
Reflections on Reflexivity 2: Lowering My Gaze
This is a personal reflection written for the Overseas Practice Engagement module on the MSc Social Development Programme. It was written in May 2020, and is part of the SDP Reflection in Practice series.
A journey into the Peruvian Amazon: Collaborating for sustainable regional economic development in Tarapoto, San Martin
By Naji Makarem, Etienne Von Bertrab and Alessio Koliulis
Over the past 4 years, students of the MSc in Urban Economic Development have been engaging with stakeholders on the local and regional development of Tarapoto, a wonderful small city in the Amazon rainforest in Northern Peru.
Reflections from the frontline: Does environmental sustainability have a problem with social justice? (Part 1)
Read Part 2 here.
Designing safe cities for women: The green space, gender, safety nexus in London
Part of the HUD Urban Profiles blog series.
Designing safe cities for women: The green space, gender, safety nexus in London
Lockdown and inequalities in green spaces distribution: side effects on mental health, a French case study
Part of the HUD Urban Profiles blog series.
10 months ago, governments across Europe imposed movement restriction policies, often resulting in lockdown measures, in order to contain the spread of Covid-19. In addition to curfew periods, France has witnessed 104 days of strict lockdown measures, in two periods, and is now expecting a highly probable third one.
Green space in Waltham Forest, and the fundamental wrongs of engaging ‘hard to reach’ populations
Part of the HUD Urban Profiles blog series.
A Liveable City
An introduction to time-space planning: Re-thinking the role of planning in the making of cities in India
Planning temporariness
“Given the overwhelming evidence that cities are a complex overlay of buildings and activities that are in one way or another, temporary, why have urbanists been so focused on permanence?” (Bishop et al., 2012: 3)
Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Sierra Leone and Indonesia
By Ignacia Ossul Vermehren (DPU), Nina Asterina (Kota Kita) and Hawanatu Bangura (SLURC)