This project used an impact-focused research approach to develop a framework to assist in the development of planning and design, implementation and policy making for infrastructure projects that reduce inequality and promote prosperity. The result of the project is the Integrated & Inclusive Infrastructure Framework (3IF), a framework that puts together practical guidance for actors working in infrastructure and slum upgrading in Kenya, including government, built environment professionals, academics and students. The project was led by Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI) with the support of the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) and the input of Arup East Africa and other relevant field advisors from academia and industry. The UCL Engineering for International Development Centre (EfID) contributed to the development of the framework by assessing the connection between integrated infrastructure and the attainment of global and continental development goals. This included conducting an exploration of the linkages between the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Agenda 2063 to inform project design and monitoring by considering areas of overlap between agendas.
Launch of 3iF in Kisumu, Kenya
Engineering for International Development Centre (EfID), Kounkuey Design Initiative, Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) , Akiba Mashinani Trust and Arup East Africa has launched the ‘Integrated & Inclusive Infrastructure Framework (3iF)' for Kenya (specifically for informal settlements) at AfriCities9 in Kisumu, Kenya.
The first version of the framework is now available at The team is looking forward to applying the first version of the framework to other informal settlements in the region.
Funder Details
The project is funded by the Royal Academy of engineering (RAEng) under the programme GCRF Africa Catalyst Sustainable Infrastructure for East Africa (project number AC2021\4\10).
Core Research Team
- Jack Campbell Clause
- Regina Opondo
- Vera Bukachi
- Joe Mulligan
- Loë Guthmann
- Sabrina Ohler
- Kezia Ojal
- Shirley Chebet
- Pascal Mukanga
- Allan Ouku
- Franklin Kirimi
- Bosibori Barake
- Gloria Tanui
- George Arrabu - Author
- James Odongo – Author
- Akiba Mashinani Trust (AMT)
- Jane Weru
- Patrick Njoroge
Arup East Africa
- Caroline Ray
- Eleanor Earl
Advisory Panel
- Planner Rose Muema, Partner, Impaque Consultants Ltd, Makueni
- County Municipal Board, KDI Kenya Board Member
- Professor Mark Pelling, Kings College London
- Dr. Joanes Atela, African Centre for Technology Studies and Africa Research Impact Network