BIM-enabled Design for Manufacture and Assembly in Healthcare Construction
Research supervisors: Dr Grant Mills and Dr Eleni Papadonikolaki
Start date: 23 September 2019
In the construction industry, 30% of delays are due to poor productivity, lack of materials, lack of design information and man power. The traditional process between design, manufacture and assembly is being changed by the industrialisation and digitalization for a high-level of building process integration. Among many initiatives, Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) is regarded as the future of construction. Relevant government agencies in the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong have begun to promote DfMA. Various digital technologies, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), cloud-hosted digital twin, IoT and Blockchain, have been tried by the industry and academia to help the realization of DfMA. However, there is a gap between the digital capabilities supporting the pilot and the capabilities available to support scaling it.
My Ph.D. research aims to investigate the status of DfMA in construction, identify how BIM enables DfMA, and finally provide a framework for BIM-enabled design to analysis and increase manufacturability and assemblability in healthcare construction. This study will follow a mixed research design combine qualitative and quantitative methods to the answer above-mentioned questions. Theory about applying BIM-enabled DfMA in healthcare construction will be developed.
- Publications
- Tan Tan*, Grant Mills, Jiqiang Hu, Eleni Papadonikolaki (2021). “Integrated Approaches to Design for Manufacture and Assembly: A Case Study of Huoshenshan Hospital to Combat COVID-19 in Wuhan, China”. Journal of Management in Engineering, 37(6), 05021007.
- Zhikang Bao, Vikrom Laovisutthichai*, Tan Tan, Qiong Wang, Weisheng Lu (2021). “Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) guidelines for offsite interior design and construction”. Building Research & Information.
- Tan Tan*, Grant Mills, Eleni Papadonikolaki, Zhening Liu (2021). “Combining multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods with building information modelling (BIM): A review”. Automation in Construction, 121, 103451.
- Weisheng Lu, Tan Tan*, Jinying Xu, Jing Wang, Ke Chen, Shang Gao, Fan Xue. (2021). “Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) in construction: the old and the new”. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 17(1-2), 77-91.
- Tan Tan, Weisheng Lu*, Gangyi Tan, Fan Xue, Ke Chen, Jinying Xu, Jing Wang, Shang Gao (2020). “Construction-Oriented Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Guidelines”. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(8), 04020085.
- Tan Tan, Ke Chen*, Fan Xue, Weisheng Lu (2019). “Barriers to Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation in China’s prefabricated construction: An interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 219, 949-959.
- Tan, Tan*., Eleni Papadonikolaki, Grant Mills, Junfei Chen, Zhe Zhang, Ke Chen (2021). BIM-enabled Sustainability Assessment of Design for Manufacture and Assembly. 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021).
- Tan Tan, Zigeng Fang*, Yuanwei Zheng, Yufeng Yang (2021). Health Building Information Modeling (HBIM)-based facility management: a conceptual framework. 26th International Conference on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (CRIOCM 2021).
- Yuhan Liu, Ke Chen, Ling Ma, Shu Tang, Tan Tan (2021). “Transforming data into decision making: A spotlight review of construction digital twin”. International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2021).
- Tan Tan*, Grant Mills, Eleni Papadonikolaki, Weisheng Lu, Ke Chen (2020). “BIM-enabled Design for Manufacture and Assembly”. 27th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing In Engineering (EG-ICE 2020).
- Tan Tan, Weisheng Lu, Chengqian Li, Ke Chen*, Gangyi Tan (2019). “Implementation of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Principles in Construction: A Case Study”. Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts.
- Tan Tan, Ke Chen, Weisheng Xue, Fan Xue* (2019). “Semantic enrichment for rooftop modeling using aerial LiDAR reflectance”. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC).
- Fan Xue, Weisheng Xue, Tan Tan, Ke Chen (2019). “Semantic enrichment of city information models with LiDAR-based rooftop albedo”. 2nd International Conference in Sutainable Buildings and Structures (ICSBS 2019).
- Grant Mills, Chris Goodier, Jenifer Kingston, Philip Astley, Anne Symons, Tan Tan, Chris Sherwood. (2020). “Challenging Space Frontiers in Hospitals: Accelerating capabilities and advancing platforms for modern hospital manufacture”. Report prepared for Transforming Construction Network Plus, UCL Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management.
- Tan, Tan*., Grant Mills., & Eleni Papadonikolaki. (2021). Establishing a Platform for BIM and P-DfMA. In. W.S. Lu & C.J. Anumba (Ed.), Research Companion on Building Information Modeling. Edward Elgar Publishing. (Accept)