Constructive conversations: Transforming productivity in construction supply chains
09 December 2020, 12:00 pm–1:30 pm

Join the Transforming Construction Network Plus for its upcoming online event and change your perspectives on supply chain productivity.
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Transforming Construction Network Plus
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Constructive conversations : Start with the end-to-end in mind: Transforming productivity in construction supply chains.
The Transforming Construction Network Plus (N+) is delighted to host its second Constructive Conversations: Start with the end-to-end in mind: Transforming productivity in construction supply chains. Designed to enhance the dialogue between academic, industry and policy on areas of growing importance to the construction sector, the webinar will explore why everyone working in construction needs to ‘reset the clock’ on how they think about supply chains.
Supply chains are a powerful means to translate strategy into reality. By borrowing approaches from manufacturing and by radically changing our thinking, we have a chance to reconfigure construction supply chains to operate in a more resilient way. Drawing from the latest N+ digest Supply Chain Productivity in Construction, the webinar will identify some areas of improvement, and will provide input and analysis on key aspects of the construction supply chain.
Led by Professor Jan Godsell, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at WMG, University of Warwick, the event will feature senior influencers from the sector:
- Nigel Blundell, Partner, Pinsent Masons
- Shaun McCarthy OBE, Director, Action Sustainability
- Elaine Mitchel-Hill, Business and Human Rights Lead, Marshalls
After sharing some key insights on how to change our perspectives, speakers will discuss for 30 minutes the topics raised, informed by audience Q&A, and moderated by the chair.
As this is an online event, details for joining the webinar will be sent to you just before the event.
Registration for this webinar will close on Tuesday 8 December.
A recording of the talks and discussion will be available to watch online after the live event.
Professor Jan Godsell

Jan Godsell is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at WMG, University of Warwick. Her work focuses on the pursuit of more responsible consumption and production through the alignment of product, marketing and supply chain strategy with consumer needs. She leads the Supply Chain Research Group and the Supply Chains in Practice industrial collaborator forum.
As a chartered engineer, Jan has more than two decades of combined industry experience in product development, innovation, supply chain strategy, and process improvement working for ICI, Astra Zeneca and Dyson. She has served on numerous advisory boards, and is currently a member of the Made Smarter Expert Panel and Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Advisory Group.
Nigel Blundell

Nigel specialises in the negotiation and drafting of construction contracts. He has a wide-ranging practice covering both infrastructure and development projects. Nigel advises contractors in relation to both rail and light rail projects where he has negotiated and developed collaborative and alliancing contracts. He is co-author of both of Pinsent Masons' reports on collaboration in the construction industry. Nigel advises both employers and contractors across a number of sectors including university accommodation, office developments and regeneration.
Shaun McCarthy OBE

Shaun’s portfolio includes; Director, Action Sustainability, Chair, Supply Chain Sustainability School, Chair, IEMA Professional Standards Committee, Chair, Action Sustainability Asia Pacific, and Trustee, Greenshoots Foundation Trust. From 2006-13 he was Chair of the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012, a ground-breaking assurance body directly advising the Mayor of London and the Olympics Minister.
Shaun was awarded an OBE for services to sustainability and London 2012 in Her Majesty the Queen’s 2013 birthday honours list. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (FIEMA), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and a member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS).
Elaine Mitchel-Hill

Elaine is Business & Human Rights Lead for Marshalls plc, the UK’s leading hard landscape company serving both the commercial and domestic construction markets, and with business operations in the UK and supply chain across the globe. She develops human rights strategy including the organisations response to the UK’s Modern Slavery Act in UK business operations and challenging overseas supply chains including India, Vietnam, Europe, China, Turkey and Brazil.
While she engages with governments, UN agencies and develop strategy, she equally spends much of her time hands‐on in supply chains dealing with the complex range of issues and stakeholders who must be engaged to make meaningful and lasting change which results in improved conditions for vulnerable individuals & groups, workers, their families and the wider community.