
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Seung Ho Yoo

Thesis title: The Study of Interaction Between Public Space and Internet Technology

Primary supervisor: Dr. Andy Hudson-Smith
Secondary supervisor: Professor Mike Batty
Starting date: September, 2011
Projected completion date: December, 2015

The aim of this research is to examine Manuel Castells' assertion that internet technology impacts on the urban social movement and this urban social movement leads to physical and social changes. In his works, Castells emphasized the internet as a catalyst and main body to stimulate social movements. This study will further develop his argument, and case studies and participatory observation will be undertaken to clarify how public opinion is created via internet technology and how it links to collective action and urban changes. The second aim is to consider how collective action impacts on the production and management of public space and changes of legal and social regimes by concentrating on the process of two massive collective actions. During the research period, a qualitative research strategy will be conducted with comparative case study and participatory observation to answer the questions: How do interactions occur when forming public opinions on internet websites and how do these extend to the collective action in public space? Does collective action that is based on internet technology impact on the production and management of public space in cities? This research will conclude that the development of the internet technology stimulates wide ranges of the collective action in the public space, and it impacts on the change of the public policies related to the internet environment and the public space.


Seung Ho Yoo is a PhD student of CASA from 2011. He is an urban researcher and architect, working in the field of architecture, social science and urban design. As an urban researcher, his main focus is on the relationship between internet technology and public space, civil participation and governance. His work in architecture is related to cultural programme, industrial building and renovation. He finished his bachelor's and master's degree in architectural design at Hanyang University, and graduated MSc. Contemporary Urbanism at London School of Economics.