
The Wisdom of Crowds in Spatial Context: Investigating Urban Inequality through the Geolinguistic, Geopolitical, and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Crowdsourced Data
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Urban citizenship in this era also marks the citizen-as-sensor function, where every person is a producer of data. This proposition relates to the crowdsourced data—alongside its alias, i.e., user-generated content (UGC) and Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI)—that remained abundant in urban analytics discourses. Nonetheless, most crowdsourcing platforms in Anglophone cities are more dominant in the literature than their counterparts, which by nature—except OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia—somehow shows the tokenistic and ceremonialist traits within Arnstein’s ladder of participation (1969) and contemporary digital participation ladder (Cardullo & Kitchin, 2019). Furthermore, many overlooked crowdsourcing platforms promise a more responsive yet inclusive policymaking process, but to what extent this promise gets rolled out remains elusive.
Joining the force with the emerging critical theories of urban studies to counter-overlook these layered inequalities by representing the everyday crowdsourcing practices in Global South cities, it is imperative to investigate how these volunteered data can contribute to policymaking. Considering the vast population growth, the possibility of a high Internet penetration rate, and the various types of governance and policymaking processes within this region, this doctoral research project will revolve around these issues using the case of Jakarta. I will investigate how the production of crowdsourced data signifies urban inequality in the digital era; nonetheless its geolinguistic, geopolitical, and spatiotemporal patterns can be a leverage for anyone to contribute meaningfully to policymaking process—signifying their active digital urban citizenship.
Dhimas is a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Planning at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He was trained as an urban planner at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, and completed his Master's at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL. His research interests lie at the intersection of public participation, urban analytics, and urban governance, along with the pertinent analytical techniques to investigate these areas.
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- Beasiswa Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (Endowment Fund for Education Scholarship), Ministry of Finance, Indonesia.
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