Information for academics wanting to visit CASA.
Affiliate Academics at UCL
Affiliate Academics are typically international academics holding established positions in higher education, or occasionally in industry or business. They apply to work in a specific field of research at UCL, collaborating with department members.
How to apply to visit CASA
To apply to CASA you must:
- Complete the application form.
- Email the application form to Sandra Starosta, along with your CV and research proposal.
We will notify you once we review your application.
Requirements for applicants
Visiting academics must:
- Pay a pro-rata bench fee of £5,525 (2021/2022)
- Indicate which CASA academic they will work with and confirm when this was arranged.
- Arrange their own accommodation.
Visiting CASA as an Academic Visitor
CASA welcomes international Academic Visitors, but space is limited. We can only accommodate two visitors at a time.