Youth-led training sessions with the Newham Youth Map project
1 September 2020

The Newham Youth Map project is a partnership between UCL’s Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, One Newham, HeadStart and Fight for Peace.
Throughout summer, a group of young people from Newham have worked with Dr Leah Lovett and Dr Duncan Hay from CASA, using the Memory Mapper toolkit to create an interactive map of youth activities and services in the area. The culmination of the project saw the young people delivering training sessions for Newham councillors and local youth workers in the use of the Memory Mapper toolkit. These sessions were conceived as a way to consolidate the participants’ learning, and to ensure wider take up and legacy for the Newham Youth Map.
The young people commented on their experiences of participating:
“I’ve learnt a lot of skills that I wouldn’t have learnt otherwise sitting on the sofa in lockdown.”
“This whole experience has been great.”
“It’s totally changed my mind about computing and programming.”
“I feel like I’ve had a whole new insight into a completely different area.”
The councillors were impressed with both the map and the youth-led training, and are in discussion with UCL with a view to building on the work already done and embedding the resource.
This knowledge exchange project was funded by UCL Culture in response to lockdown and the needs of the community local to UCL East.
The Memory Mapper toolkit, developed by Dr Duncan Hay as part of the Jewish East End Memory Map research project, has recently launched as an open source offering at