
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA participates in development panel for London Infrastructure Mapping Application

14 December 2018


CASA PhD and Master's students visited City Hall in London in early December to participate in the Expert Mappers Panel for the ongoing development of the London Infrastructure Mapping Application (IMA). The purpose of the panel is to advise on the best ways to incorporate cutting-edge practice in spatial mapping and data analysis into IMA Version 3.0, which will be delivered at the end of 2019.

The London Infrastructure Mapping Application is a webtool developed by London City Hall that visualises expected future investment in development and infrastructure, as well as relevant context and capacity layers. The tool is intended to help utilities and other infrastructure providers coordinate their network improvements—in order to avoid digging up the road many times in a row and to reduce congestion. The tool also provides clarity on where London’s growth is taking place and will occur, so that infrastructure providers and others can plan ahead rather than becoming barriers to delivering new housing.

To read more about the project, visit the London Infrastructure Map website.