Juan Mateos-Garcia | Using business website data to monitor economic exposure/resilience to Covid-19
13 January 2021, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm
Event Information
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Dr Max Nathan
We explore the potential of novel web sources to generate policy-relevant evidence about economic exposure and resilience to COVID-19. To do this, we analyse a novel dataset with information about 1.83 million UK business websites collected in May and June 2020 by Glass, a business intelligence startup. The dataset contains text descriptions about the businesses, their sectors and locations, as well as additional information relevant for understanding business exposure and responses to COVID-19. We validate this dataset using official sources and Companies House to assess biases in coverage. Next, we explore how it can be combined with product and service web-search data from Google Search Trends to generate firm, sector and place-based measures of exposure to COVID-19 and its impacts. We conclude by considering what these measures suggest about the economic resilience to COVID-19 of different areas of the UK.
About the Speaker
Juan Mateos-Garcia
Director of Data Analytics at NESTA
Juan Mateos-Garcia is Director of Data Analytics at Nesta, the UK's Innovation Foundation. Juan is an economist with a MSc in Science and Technology Policy from SPRU, University of Sussex.