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CASA Working Paper 8
CASA Working Paper 8. 1 May 1999. The Geographies of Cyberspace. In this I paper I explore the need for a new field of geographic enquiry called cybergeography. This is the investigation of the complex and multifaceted structure, use and experience…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 11
CASA Working Paper 11. 1 May 1999. Mapping Cyberspace: Visualising, Analysing and Exploring Virtual Worlds. In the past years, with the development of computer networks such as the Internet and world wide web (WWW), cyberspace has been increasingly…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 7
CASA Working Paper 7. 1 May 1999. From Environmental Information Systems to Environmental Informatics - Evolution and Meaning. Environmental Information and Environmental Information Systems play a major role in environmental decision making. The…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 10
CASA Working Paper 10. 1 May 1999. Multi-Agent Simulation: New Approaches to Exploring Space-Time Dynamics Within GIS. As part of the long term quest to develop more disaggregate, temporally dynamic models of spatial behaviour, micro-simulation has…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 10
CASA Working Paper 10. 1 May 1999. Multi-Agent Simulation: New Approaches to Exploring Space-Time Dynamics Within GIS. As part of the long term quest to develop more disaggregate, temporally dynamic models of spatial behaviour, micro-simulation has…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 6
CASA Working Paper 6. 1 October 1998. Virtual Regeneration. Regenerating our increasingly polluted, worn-out urban infrastructure is becoming the singly most important challenge facing our cities. Simon Doyle and Michael Batty explain how spatial…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 6
CASA Working Paper 6. 1 October 1998. Virtual Regeneration. Regenerating our increasingly polluted, worn-out urban infrastructure is becoming the singly most important challenge facing our cities. Simon Doyle and Michael Batty explain how spatial…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 5
CASA Working Paper 5. 1 June 1998. The Virtual Tate. New methods for simulating the form of buildings using virtual reality (VR) have suddenly made it possible to link ways in which people use buildings to their geometric layout. VR opens up many…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 5
CASA Working Paper 5. 1 June 1998. The Virtual Tate. New methods for simulating the form of buildings using virtual reality (VR) have suddenly made it possible to link ways in which people use buildings to their geometric layout. VR opens up many…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
CASA Working Paper 3
CASA Working Paper 3. 1 June 1998. GIS and Urban Design. Although urban planning has used computer models and information systems since the 1950s and architectural practice has recently restructured to the use of computeraided design (CAD) and…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis