
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Bin Chi

Thesis title: The spatial and temporal pattern of residential housing price and housing affordability in England

Primary supervisor: Dr Adam Dennett
Secondary supervisor: Dr Thomas Oléron-Evans
Start date: September 2016
Projected completion date: September 2021
Bin Chi (Bin) holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Land Resources Management from China University of Geosciences, Wuhan (CUG). Before moving to London and joining CASA in 2016, she worked for Wuhan Land Resources and Planning Information Centre. She is currently conducting her PhD research in CASA on understanding the spatio-temporal patterns of housing price and housing affordability using statistical, mathematical and GIS techniques. Her research interests are in spatio-temporal data analytics and modelling.

Research blog: https://reflect.ucl.ac.uk/casahousing/