TWIN2EXPAND is a research project that aims to enhance research excellence in Evidence-Based Design and Planning (EBDP). Based at the University of Cyprus (UCY), the project operates in collaboration with academic and industry partners under the auspices of the EU Horizon research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 101078890). As a key project partner, UCL has secured funding from the UK government's Horizon Europe funding guarantee (Grant Nos 10052856 and 10050784) for three years, concluding in December 2025.
The primary objectives of the project are centred on enhancing research excellence in EBDP fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and maximising impact within the scientific community and broader society. To achieve these aims, TWIN2EXPAND will implement targeted training and mentorship programs for UCY staff and Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of EBDP, thereby enhancing UCY's international visibility. Additionally, the project seeks to bolster participation rates and success in securing research funding.
Concurrently, the project will explore emerging concepts in EBDP, actively engaging with policymakers, industry stakeholders, local authorities and civil society. TWIN2EXPAND also undertakes initiatives to raise public awareness about the significant impact of research in the EBDP field. Through its multifaceted approach, the project aims to solidify the positions of UCY and partner institutions in EBDP research, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, and expand outreach activities. Furthermore, UCL's involvement in the partnership enriches the project by advancing open toolkits and datasets and introducing workflows that facilitate the scalability of analytical and evidence-based methods in planning and design.
UCL’s contributions are spearheaded by the Space Syntax Lab at The Bartlett School of Architecture, including:
- Prof Kayvan Karimi – Principal investigator
- Dr Gareth Simons – Research Fellow
- Sepehr Zhand – Research Fellow
Over the course of three years, the TWIN2EXPAND consortium will be dedicated to advancing the theoretical and technical facets of evidence-based planning and design. A pivotal objective is to establish a world-class research centre in Cyprus, focused on propelling analytical and scientific approaches within urban design and planning.
The initiative encompasses a series of dynamic activities:
- In-person and Online Training Workshops: These open workshops serve as a conduit for students and researchers in the realm of urban planning and design. Imbued with the latest methodologies and tools, the sessions delve into the intricacies of space syntax and broader urban and geospatial analysis.
- Working Group Studios: Hosted annually in London, these studios assemble a diverse array of academics, practitioners and policymakers from urban planning, geography, spatial data science and public policy. The gatherings will inform ongoing research activities, centring around the overarching theme of amplifying the impact of evidence-based planning and design research.
- Student Exchange: Offering a valuable window in the academic calendar, the student exchange provides research students and early career researchers with an opportunity to participate in the Space Syntax lab at UCL actively. This engagement not only informs their individual research pursuits but also contributes to the broader collaborative efforts of the consortium.
- Cross-Institution Research Projects: These projects strategically foster synergies among the participating institutions – UCY, UCL, Chalmers, Turin Polytechnic and Space Syntax. The collaborative endeavours aim to elevate and scale up the collective research output, enhancing the overall impact and significance of evidence-based planning and design on a global scale.
The activities of the project will be disseminated through scientific publication, the creation of open-source analytical tools and benchmark datasets.
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Image: Variants of closeness centralities – simplest and shortest paths – computed on the dual representation. Credit: TWIN2EXPAND UCL team. Data source: ESRI