
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Transdisciplinary Projects

Probiotic Cities by Richard Beckett

Design research at The Bartlett School of Architecture reflects the diversity of outcomes and approaches undertaken by our staff. Our interdisciplinary expertise and collaborations intersect with the arts; humanities; social sciences; engineering and physical sciences; health organisations; governance bodies; charities and social and environmental justice communities; as well as with digital and computational professionals; and private and public research partners.

Featured Research

Probiotic Cities, Richard Beckett

Richard Beckett's Probiotic Cities covers a body of work that is at the forefront of emerging knowledge within architecture, towards designing informed indoor and built environment microbiomes. Sited within the broader field of bio-design, the publication presents highly experimental design research at the intersection of architecture, engineering and microbiology. Richard describes work which explores novel strategies towards directly (re)introducing beneficial microbes into buildings and cities. Through discussion of both the work and the processes and methodologies used, he provides a framework to enable designers and practitioners to begin to engage with contemporary human–microbe relationships towards the design of healthy and resilient cities. Probiotic Cities defines a new microbial paradigm for architecture that engages with broader emerging ecological or ‘more than human’ philosophies for design within the age of the Anthropocene.

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Research Projects

Image: Richard Beckett, Architecture as a Landscape for Beneficial Microbial Interactions: Probiotic Ceramic Wall Components_2.