
The Bartlett School of Architecture


2013 publications

Al Sayed, K; Hanna, S; (2013) How city spaces afford opportunities for riots. In: (Proceedings) The 9th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Al-Sayed, K; (2013) Synthetic Space Syntax: A generative and supervised learning approach in urban design. In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 9th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Al-Sayed, K; (2013) The signature of self-organisation in cities. Temporal patterns of clustering and growth in street networks. International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis , 23 (3-4) 379 - 406. 10.3166/rig.23.379-406.
Al-Sayed, K; (2013) The Signature of Self-Organisation in Street Networks. International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis (IJGSA)
Al-Sayed, K; (2013) Thinking systems in urban design: a prioritised structure model. In: Carmona, M, (ed.) Explorations in Urban Design. (169 - 181). Lund Humphries Publishers
Behrens, M., Fatah gen. Schieck, A., Kostopoulou, E., North, S., Motta, W., Ye, L., & Schnadelbach, H. (2013). Exploring the Effect of Spatial Layout on Mediated Urban Interactions. PerDis '13: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 79-84. New York: ACM. doi:10.1145/2491568.2491586
Behrens, MM; Fatah, A; Exploring spatial configurations and the roles of actors, spectators and passers-by in mediated public spaces. In: Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces (EIPS). Workshop at CHI '13, April 28, Paris, France. (pp. 67 - 71). ACM: New York, NY.
Blezinger, D; Fatah gen Schieck, A; Hölscher, C; (2013) Unifying conceptual and spatial relationships between objects in HCI. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Intelligent and Implicit Interaction. 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part V. Springer
Dhanani, AN; Vaughan, L; (2013) A porous urban fabric: the structures and scales of London's peri-urban development from 1880 to 2013. In: Kim, Y-O and Park, HT and Seo, KW, (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 037:1-037:20). Sejong University: Seoul, Korea.
El-Khouly, TAI; Penn, A; (2013) Directed Linkography and Syntactic Analysis: Comparing Synchronous and Diachronic Effects of Sudden Emergence of Creative Insights on the Structure of the Design Process. In: Kim, Y-O and Park, HT and Seo, KW, (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University: Seoul, Korea.
Fatah gen Schieck, A; Al-Sayed, K; Kostopoulou, E; Behrens, M; Motta, W; (2013) Networked architectural interfaces: Exploring the effect of spatial configuration on urban screen placement. In: Kim, Young-Ook and Park, HT and Seo, KW, (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium. : Seoul, Korea.
Griffiths, S; (2013) HGIS and historical space - overcoming the epistemological barriers. In: (Proceedings) "Historians in Space" Concepts of space in recent European historiography - 7th Graduate Conference in European History.
Hanna, S; (2013) Levels of Uncertainty in Design. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://smartgeometry.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=232&Itemid=151
Hanna, S; Serras, J; Varoudis, T; (2013) Measuring the structure of global transportation networks. In: (Proceedings) The 9th International Space Syntax Symposium. (In press).
Hillier, B.; (2013) Die soziale Logik des Raumes. In: Hauser, S and Meyer, R and Kamleithner, C, (eds.) Architekturwissen. Grundlagentexte aus den Kulturwissenschaften. (? - ?). Transcript Verlag: Berlin.
Hillier, B.; Credible mechanisms or spatial determinism. Cities 10.1016/j.cities.2012.05.013.
Hillier, B.; Spatial analysis and cultural information: the need for theory as well as method in space syntax analysis. In: Paliou, E and Lieberwirth, U and Polla, S, (eds.) Spatial analysis and social spaces: interdisciplinary approaches to the interpretation of prehistoric and historic built environments. De Gruyter: Berlin.
Jeevendrampillai, D; Dhanani, A; Griffiths, S; Buchli, V; Vaughan, L; Haklay, M; The Application of Space Syntax Methodologies in researching The Contemporary Urban Past: Embedding ‘Configurational Ethnography’ The Case of South Norwood. In: (Proceedings) 9th European Social Science History Conference.
Karagkouni, C; Fatah gen Schieck, A; Tsigkari, M; Chronis, A; (2013) Façade apertures optimization: integrating cross-ventilation performance analysis in fluid dynamics simulation. In: O'Brien, L and Khan, A, (eds.) SimAUD '13 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design. (pp. pp. 41-48). Society for Computer Simulation International : San Diego, CA.
Karimi, K; (2013) Beirut: Normalities and abnormalities of a complex city. Journal of Space Syntax , 4 (1) 110 - 122.
Karimi, K; Parham, E; Friedrich, E; Ferguson, P; ORIGIN-DESTINATION WEIGHTED CHOICE MODEL AS A NEW TOOL FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF NEW URBAN DEVELOPMENTS. In: Kim, Y and Park, HT and Seo, KW, (eds.) Proceedings of Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University Press 2013
Marmot, A; Sailer, K; (2013) Student Experience, Social Networks, Sustainability: Outcomes of Longitudinal Design Change. Presented at: Science for College and University Planning (SCUP) 48, San Diego, California.
Memarovic, N., Fatah gen. Schieck, A., Kostopoulou, E., Behrens, M., & Traunmueller, M. (2013). Moment Machine: opportunities and challenges of posting situated snapshots onto networked public displays. 14th IFIP TC13 international conference on Human-computer interaction (INTERACT’13). LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 595-602. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40498-6_50
Motta, W., Fatah gen. Schieck, A., Schnädelbach, H., Kostopoulou,E., Behrens, M., North, S., & Ye, L. (2013). Considering communities, diversity and the production of locality in the design of networked urban screens. 14th IFIP TC13 international conference on Human computer interaction (INTERACT’13). LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 315-322. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
North, S., Schnädelbach, H., Fatah gen Schieck, A., Motta, W., Ye, L., Behrens, M., & Kostopoulou, E. (2013). Tension space analysis: exploring community requirements for networked urban screens. 14th IFIP TC13 international conference on Human-computer interaction (INTERACT’13). LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
Orellana, N; Al-Sayed, K; (2013) On Spatial Wayfinding: Agent and human navigation patterns in virtual and real worlds. In:
Potter, G; Smieszek, T; Sailer, K; Modelling workplace contact networks: the effects of organizational structure, architecture, and reporting errors on epidemic predictions. Network Science
Sailer, K; Pachilova, R; (2013) The Effect of Hospital Layout on Caregiver-Patient Communication Patterns. Presented at: Design4Health, Sheffield, UK.
Sailer, K; Pachilova, R; Brown, C; (2013) Human versus machine - testing validity and insights of manual and automated data gathering methods in complex buildings. In: Ook Kim, Y and Tae Park, H and Wook Seo, K, (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University Press: Seoul, South Korea.
Sailer, K; Pachilova, R; Kostopoulou, E; Pradinuk, R; MacKinnon, D; Hoofwijk, T; (2013) How Strongly Programmed is a Strong Programme Building? A Comparative Analysis of Outpatient Clinics in Two Hospitals. In: Ook Kim, Y and Tae Park, H and Wook Seo, K, (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University Press: Seoul, South Korea.
Sailer, K; Pradinuk, R; MacKinnon, D; (2013) Ambulatory Clinic Layouts – Quantifying the Difference between the Best and the Worst. Presented at: Healthcare Design Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Senatore, G; Duffour, P; Hanna, S; Winslow, P; Wise, C; (2013) Designing adaptive structures for whole life energy savings. In: Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. (pp. pp. 2105-2110). Taylor & Francis/Balkema/CRC Press: London, UK.
Senatore, G; Duffour, P; Winslow, P; Hanna, S; Wise, C; (2013) Exploring the domain of application of adaptive structures. In: Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. (pp. pp. 2117-2122). Taylor & Francis/Balkema/CRC Press: London, UK.
Shen, Y; Karimi, K; Xia, Q; Morphological Transformation of Historical Centres in Tianjin. In: Kim, YO and Park, HT and Seo, KW, (eds.) Proceedings of Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium. Sejong University Press 2013
Stanton Fraser, D; O'Neill, E; Jay, T; Penn, A; (2013) My neighbourhood: Studying perceptions of urban space and neighbourhood with moblogging. Pervasive and Mobile Computing , 9 (5) 722 - 737. 10.1016/j.pmcj.2012.07.002.
Traunmueller, M., & Fatah gen Schieck, A. (2013). Following the voice of the crowd: Exploring opportunities for using global voting data to enrich local urban context. 15th CAAD Futures ‘13, 3rd-5th July 2013, Shanghai, China. Springer.
Traunmueller, M., & Fatah gen. Schieck, A. (2013). Introducing the space recommender system: How crowd-sourced voting data can enrich urban exploration in the digital era. Digital Cities 8: 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 149-156. ACM, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2104-4
Traunmueller, M., Fatah gen. Schieck, A., Schöning, J., & Brumby, D. (2013). The path is the reward: considering social networks to contribute to the pleasure of urban strolling (CHI '13), April 28 2013, 67-71. Paris, France. New York: ACM.
Varoudis, T; Karimi, K; Law, S; Hillier, B; Alan Penn,; Space Syntax Angular Betweenness Centrality Revisited. In: (Proceedings) Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium.
Vaughan, LS; (2013) Is the future of cities the same as their past? Urban Pamphleteer #1: Future and Smart Cities , 1 20 - 22.
Wilkinson, S; Hanna, S; Hesselgren, L; Mueller, V; Inductive Aerodynamics. In: Stouffs, R and Sariyildiz, S, (eds.) Proceedings of eCAADe 2013: Computation and Performance.