The Bartlett CRUNCH Series – Spring 2025
11 December 2024
The Bartlett’s flagship seminar series continues with a programme of six events exploring the theme of ‘dating’.
This spring, The Bartlett CRUNCH series continues with six events exploring the theme of 'dating'. The series examines how architecture shapes and reflects relationships across cultural, ecological and technological contexts.
This term’s seminars will explore diverse topics, including speculative approaches to environmental challenges, the role of natural models in digital media and the impact of colonial histories. Discussions will examine how the built environment shapes connections and divisions. Highlights include insights into Bahrain’s cultural heritage, the evolution of industrial architecture and the integration of sustainability in contemporary design.
CRUNCH is curated by the school's Co-Directors of Public Programming, Albert Brenchat-Aguilar and Déborah López Lobato. A drinks reception will follow each event.
20 January
Geostories: Another Architecture for the Environment
Speaker: Rania Ghosn (MIT)
Respondent and Chair: Amy Kulper (The Bartlett)
27 January
Just Models – Playing Nature
Speaker: Alenda Y. Chang (UC Santa Barbara)
Respondent: Lucia Pietroiusti (Serpentine Galleries)
Chair: Déborah López Lobato (The Bartlett)
10 February
Works from Bahrain
Speakers: Noura Al Sayeh (Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities) and Anne Holtrop (Studio Anne Holtrop)
Respondent and Chair: Murray Fraser (The Bartlett)
24 February
Odd Couple: ‘Post’ Industrial Architecture and ‘Post’ Human Futures
Speaker: Claire Zimmerman (University of Toronto)
Respondents: PhD students Rían Kearney, Merve Okkali Alsavada, Daniel Ovalle Costal and Elly Selby
Chair: Stylianos Giamarelos (The Bartlett)
03 March
Documenting Colonial Toxicity
Speaker: Samia Henni (McGill University)
Respondent: Jananne Al-Ani (London College of Communication, UAL)
Chair: Edward Denison (The Bartlett)
28 April
Research Through Architectural Practice
Speaker: Anna Heringer (Studio Anna Heringer)
Respondents: Tracy Meller (Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners) and David Storring (Morris+Company)
Chair: Yeoryia Manolopoulou (The Bartlett)
All events are free to attend and will take place at 18:30 GMT in Room G.12, The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, London unless otherwise stated.
Please note that events are first-come, first-seated and have limited capacity.
Image: Cosmograph (Render) by DESIGN EARTH, 2024