
Feedback Form

What do you think of this site?

If you've had a look at the website, we'd like to hear about what you think of it.

The website is currently being piloted. It would help us a lot if you could give us some feedback on what has been drafted already to help with design in the future.

This form is for you to tell us what you think - all your comments are important to us, so please take a moment to fill it in!

General Details

Your name (optional):

Your school:

Which year are you in?

On the 'look' of the site:

On the whole I liked/disliked the look of the site (please select):


About the look, I particularly liked...

One way to improve the look would be to...

On finding your way around the website:

It was easy/difficult to find my way around the site (please select):


If you had any difficulties, please say what they were:

One way to improve finding the way around might be to...

On the content of the pages:

Please tick which languages you looked at:


What were the best things about the language pages?

What were the worst things about the language pages?

What changes or additions can you suggest to help develop the site better?

If you'd like to follow on from this taste of languages, and make contact with a student or a teacher of a new language at university, or a student abroad in one of the countries of the languages featured in the site, please send us your contact details:

Would you like to be involved in the development of the website by giving us feedback in the future? (please select)


Data Protection Act, 1998

The information given on this form will be kept securely for the duration of the research project and will not be shared with any third party. If you do not agree to the storage of this information, please uncheck this box.


Thank you for completing our form! Please click on Send my Feedback to mail your form to the team.