
UCL Astrophysics Group


The Carina Nebula imaged by the VLT Survey Telescope Credit: ESO


COBRaS Team Members

COBRaS is being coordinated by Raman Prinja of University College London (UK). In addition there are a large number of team members from a multitude of universities.

List of COBRaS Team Members

Matthew AustinUniversity College London, UK
Ronny BlommeRoyal Observatory Belgium
Ishwara ChandraGMRT, Tata Institute, India
Simon ClarkeOpen University, UK
Paul CrowtherUniversity of Sheffield, UK
Phil DiamondJBCA, Manchester, UK
Sean DoughertyNRC, Canada
Jeremy DrakeHarvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA
Janet DrewUniversity of Hertfordshire, UK
Stewart EyresUniv. of Central Lancashire, UK
Danielle FenechUniversity College London, UK
Simon GoodwinUniversity of Sheffield, UK
Joseph HoraHarvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA
Ian HowarthUniversity College London, UK
Dan KiminkiUniversity of Wyoming , USA
Chip KobulnickyUniv. of Wyoming , USA
Derck MassaSTScI, Baltimore, USA
Luke PeckUniversity College London, UK
Julian PittardUniversity of Leeds, UK
Anita RichardsJBCA, Manchester, UK
Salvo ScuderiAstronom. Observatory, Catania
Howard SmithHarvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA
Ian StevensUniversity of Birmingham, UK
Joan VandekerckhoveRoyal Obs. of Belgium
Jacco Van LoonUniversity of Keele, UK
Jorick VinkArmagh Observatory, UK
Martin WardUniversity of Durham, UK
Allan WillisUniversity College London, UK
Dugan WitherickUniversity College London, UK
Nick WrightHarvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA
Jeremy YatesUniversity College London, UK