Further information that may be of use to you can be found by following the links below.
- The Physics and Astronomy Department
- General information about PhD at Physics and Astronomy
- The Astrophysics Group
- Space & Climate Physics (MSSL), including PhD application details
- Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics Group and their PhD instructions
- UCL HEP PhD Study
- UCL's Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science
- The Atmospheric Physics Group
- The Optical Science Laboratory
- UCL postgraduate prospectus
- UCL Graduate School (provides general information on graduate studies at UCL)
- UCL fees information
- STFC maintenance allowances
Enquiries concerning the astrophysics PhD programme, can be directed to the admissions committee (physast.phd@ucl.ac.uk). This reaches the current chair of the admissions committee, as well as other committee members who may respond on their behalf.
For broader information on postgraduate admissions in the Department of Physics & Astronomy, contact our Postgraduate Administrator, Nadia Waller.