
UCL Association University Administrators (AUA)



For further information about any of the branch or regional events listed below, contact Belinda Fullelove, UCL Branch Coordinator. Visit the AUA website for further details about national events.

Regional Events

29 March 2012, 5:30pm, GARDEN ROOM, UCL

'Engaging with AUA Governance' - a presentation by Dr Chris Ince, elected member of AUA Council PLUS NETWORKING RECEPTION

Dr Chris Ince will explain in lay terms the structure, operation and relevance of AUA governance.  Open to all AUA members in the London Region, this event aims to demystify the workings of AUA governance and to raise awareness of the role individual AUA members can have in shaping the future of the AUA by participating in elections and AGMs, or by serving on the Board of Trustees or Council.

We will de-bunk the commonly held misconception that 'elections and meetings are boring' and there will be plenty of time for questions, plus networking at the reception afterwards.

This event will be particularly beneficial to those members who are new to the AUA or existing members who want to know more about the importance of engaging with AUA governance ahead of the next AGM on 2 April 2012, and also those wishing to network with others who are attending the forthcoming AUA National Conference in Manchester.

Click HERE for full details, RSVP to b.fullelove@ucl.ac.uk

Branch Events

Details of forthcoming AUA@UCL events will be posted here in due course