Find out more about the team behind UCL's exciting new BA Creative Arts and Humanities programme launching in September 2023 at UCL East.
Dr Tim Beasley-Murray

Tim has written some pretty heavy things (a book on two early 20th Century German and Russian philosophers and critics, for example) and some rather lighter things (a psychoanalytic reading of the children’s book, The Tiger who Came to Tea, for example). And he has tried to bring these combinations – of the light and the heavy, the ludic and the serious - to the design of the BA Creative Arts and Humanities programme. On the BA CAH, you’ll find out for yourself how play and games can be a way to get creative on your first-year module, The Creative Laboratory.
Dr Matthew Sperling

Professor Gregory Thompson

Gregory Thompson is an award winning theatre director creating productions that combine ensemble performances with innovative stagings and actor-audience relationships.
He’s directed for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Young Vic amongst others in the UK and his own company AandBC has performed Shakespeare all over world. Recent work includes directing THE WINTER’S TALE in Urdu in Karachi, Pakistan and HAMLET in Nepali in Kathmandu, Nepal.
At UCL he worked for a while matching scientists with performing artists to enhance, extend and disrupt academic activities to yield deeper or more surprising research outcomes; and now applies the principle and practises of ensemble theatre together with ethnography and Lean Startup to enable students to create innovative enterprises where the way they do things is as important as what they do.