Explore our FAQ's to provide key information about the UCL BA Creative Arts and Humanities.
See the BASc Arts and Sciences FAQ for the types of things we have for the BASc programme.
- Is the BA Creative Arts and Humanities a type of Liberal Arts degree?
No, the BA Creative Arts and Humanities degree has a very specific focus on different forms of creative practice: writing, performance and the moving image. You will have the opportunity to explore and engage with a range of subject matter to reflect your own interests, but the degree aims to enable you to develop both your critical and your creative skills in these areas, focused on shared concepts of creativity, collaboration and narrative.
- Will I have to study all three of the modes of creative practice?
In your first year you will be required to study all three of the modes of creative practice. This is to provide you with a solid grounding in the different skill areas and to deepen your understanding of how these modes interact and can influence one another. As you progress through the programme you will then have opportunities to specialise in the area or areas you are particularly interested in.
- I have not studied one or more of the areas of creative practice (writing, performance and moving image) before, will this matter?
No, we welcome students who have studied a wide range of different subjects before coming to UCL, and no prior knowledge is required to join the degree programme. We do ask that you have studied at least one essay-based subject previously, to ensure that you have some experience of critical and analytical approaches to support you in the critical components of the programme, but no previous formal experience in the core creative practice skills in writing, performance or moving image will be required.
- What will the performance element of the programme look like? Will it be like drama at school?
Thinking critically about performance on this degree will involve examining how performance reveals that ‘all the world’s a stage’ and that each of us puts on a performance: through the clothes and food we choose to wear and eat, and the conversations we take part in; all these are a performance designed to signal to ourselves and to others our place within our society. Examining this approach to performance can be quite different to drama at school. In practice classes on performance there will be formal performance teaching which will develop in each student the expressive and technical skills in voice and movement that will enhance your capabilities to respond in imaginative contexts. This may have some similarities to acting in drama classes.
- Is the moving image part of the programme like film studies?
It will have some elements of film studies and some new and different elements. There will be critical examination of moving images and their development through history. This will be like film studies, though not exactly the same, by exploring how moving images form stories through the humanities. We will also explore the practice of making moving images for the modern world. We will do this by teaching students the basics of lighting, shooting, recording sound and editing, students will be encouraged to experiment with a variety of storytelling forms.
- What opportunities will there be to develop career relevant links with industry?
There will be a range of opportunities. Within the degree we have modules that are designed to assist in connecting with creative industries. These are both critical in exploring what the state of creative industries are, essential in planning any career in this area, and practical in working on creative projects. We will also be aiming to provide master classes and other direct contacts with industry professionals. UCL’s careers service will provide support and guidance for opportunities for internships and placements in creative industries.
- What opportunities are there to get involved in student societies that are creative?
Many! You can see UCL’s student clubs and societies here: https://studentsunionucl.org/clubs-societies, which will be open to you. You will also have the opportunity to create new societies if you feel there are gaps and there are other students interested in developing societies.
- What facilities will be available at UCL East for creative practice?
The degree will be located at UCL’s new campus at Stratford called UCL East. The facilities there can be viewed at this link: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east/. Such facilities will include a School for Creative and Cultural Industries with spaces such as a Slade Fine Art studio and a London Memory Workshop. In addition there is planned to be a centre for Robotics & Autonomous Systems, and an Urban Room, a major public and community space. The People and Nature Lab will use the surrounding park as a 'living lab', and the Global Disability Innovation Hub will move there from its current home at Here East. Specifically for the Bachelor of Creative Arts and Humanities students, media equipment, such as cameras, software, sound recording, will be provided as required by specific modules. Performance space is available at the Wayne McGregor Studios at Here East and there is a cinema as part of UCL East.