Careers and Further Study
UCL Arts and Sciences graduates are well prepared to be successful in the employment market, the unique set up of our degrees means that they are often well placed to fill gaps in the UK and international jobs markets.
BASc Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences BASc has been highly successful in graduate employability in a very wide range of sectors across many countries, reflecting the diversity of the cohort. Some graduates work in the corporate sector: at major banks, management consultancies and fin tech firms. Others are in law – either on graduate training contracts or on Master’s programmes. Students have also gone on to public sector work joining the civil service or working overseas. BASc graduates are also found working in media and the arts including journalism (e.g. Vogue magazine, BBC), for charities or starting their own business or exploring the growing area of social entrepreneurship.
Regarding further study, when we started the Arts and Sciences programme in 2012, we estimated 80% of Master’s degrees would be eligible to our students. We now estimate this is 90%+. BASc graduates are studying a broad range of subjects at universities across the world. Some students have progressed to Graduate Medicine programmes – see e.g. Sara’s video below.
Since our first cohort of graduates in 2015 we have a number of PhD graduates too across a range of areas including Physics, Computer Science, Sociology and Neuroscience.
Arts and Sciences BASc really can take you just about anywhere you’d like to go to do anything you’d like to do!
MASc Creative Health
The MASc Creative Health is a relatively new programme with our first cohort of students graduating in late 2022. We anticipate that graduates will be well placed to take up a position within health or social care, the arts, cultural and creative sectors, as well as community and local government, NGOs, and the voluntary and third sectors. Creative Health is also a growing area of research so we anticipate that graduates may enter PhD opportunities in related fields.
BA Creative Arts and Humanities
The BACAH is our newest degree, and our first cohort is due to graduate in 2026 and we are looking forward to seeing where they go. Likely employment destinations for graduates will include the many possibilities contained in the creative economy, including all forms of media, social media enterprise, cultural heritage, journalism and digital content creation.
We believe that graduates of the programme will be valued anywhere that narrative insights are essential to communicating core purposes and where the ability to harness creativity is held in high esteem.
Find out more about some of our alumni by watching their videos and reading their case studies below.