
Arts Sciences



At the heart of our research ethos is the belief that complex problems require multifaceted solutions. Our department is a vibrant hub where scholars from varied disciplines collaborate, creating a dynamic environment that fosters creativity and critical thinking. We are proud to be part of UCL’s diverse research community.

The Arts and Sciences became a Department less than two years ago and we’ve been developing our new interdisciplinary research culture. Our interdisciplinary department comprise of academic colleagues and students who are engaged in a range of research across the arts and sciences disciplines. We are establishing ourselves as a new Department across two sites in Bloomsbury and UCL East.

Our research areas centres around three main degree programmes we offer to our students: Arts and Sciences BASc; Creative Arts and Humanities BA; Creative Health MASc; and our Interdisciplinary Societies, Arts and Sciences PhD programme. For further information please contact Dr Ranjita Dhital, the Research Director for Arts and Sciences.