
Arts Sciences


Careers and Further Study

Arts and Sciences BASc has been highly successful in graduate employability in a very wide range of sectors. Many of our graduates progress to the corporate sector: at major banks, management consultancies (including several working overseas) and actuarial firms. Others are in law – either on graduate training contracts or on Master’s programmes. Some students who feel their values are less in line with the corporate sector are exploring the growing area of social entrepreneurship, working in journalism (e.g. Vogue magazine, BBC), for charities or starting their own business. Students have also gone on to public sector work including HM Treasury in the UK and working on health matters for the government in Singapore.

The UK labour market has always been flexible and it does seem as if the entire global graduate jobs market is also moving this way*. Employers want to see dynamic, interested, creative graduates with wide skill sets and competencies and our students fit this description well. Students have fed back to us, through their internship vlogs, completed after the year 2 internship, that the most valuable university courses in the world of work are our core courses which cut across disciplines and teach multiple quantitative and qualitative skills.

Regarding further study, when we started the Arts and Sciences programme in 2012, we estimated 80% of Master’s degrees would be eligible to our students. We now estimate this is 90%+. Just some of the Master’s our students have done include:

  • Actuarial Qualification
  • English: Issues in Modern Culture
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Global Politics
  • Brain Sciences
  • Management
  • Science, Technology and Society
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Sustainable Energies Futures
  • Sustainable Urban Planning and Design
  • Paleobiology
  • Classics
  • Data science
  • Economics
  • Theoretical Physics
  • International Security

Some students have progressed to Graduate Medicine programmes – see e.g. Sara’s video below.

Since our first cohort of graduates in 2015 we have knowledge of several students already progressing to PhDs in the following areas and at the following institutions:

  • Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Edinburgh, Scotland;
  • Sociology, Cornell, USA;
  • Philosophy, Harvard, USA;
  • AI and Energy Consumption, UCL, England;
  • Climate Change Resilience, Oxford, England;
  • Evolutionary Anthropology, Max-Planck Institute, Germany;
  • Medieval Latin, UCLA, USA;
  • Cosmology and Astrophysics, UCL, England;
  • Ecological Brain, UCL, England

Arts and Sciences BASc really can take you just about anywhere you’d like to go to do anything you’d like to do!

*Financial Times January 28, 2016 - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b8c66e50-beda-11e5-9fdb-87b8d15baec2.html#axzz4KFH5EP8L

Find out more about some of our alumni by watching their videos and reading their case studies below.

Watch some of our alumni talk about their post-BASc journeys here - from working for Vogue International to working on sending a satellite into space!

You can read case studies here from some of our alumni on how BASc helped them get to where they are now.