A selection of publications authored and edited by staff whilst full time members of the department.
Richard Taws
Time Machines: Telegraphic Images in Nineteenth-Century France
MIT Press, 2025

Tamar Garb
Portia Zvavahera: Zvakazarurwa
Fruitmarket and Kettles Yard, 2024

Tamar Garb
Beyond the Binary: Santu Mofokeng and David Goldblatt
Steidl/Walther Collection, 2024.

Rose Marie San Juan
Violence and the Genesis of the Anatomical Image
Penn State University Press, 2023

Hannah Hölling (ed.),
Art, Materiality, and Continuity Since the 1960s
University of Chicago, 2022

Natasha Eaton
Travel, Art, and Collecting in South Asia: Vertiginous Exchange
Routledge, 2021

Cadence Kinsey
Walled Gardens: Autonomy, Automation and Art After the Internet
Oxford University Press, 2021

Iris Moon and Richard Taws (eds.)
Time, Media, and Visuality in Post-Revolutionary France
Bloomsbury, 2021.

Hélia Marçal
Práticas de Arquivo em Artes Performativas
Coimbra University Press, 2020

Stephanie Schwartz
Walker Evans: No Politics
University of Texas Press, 2020

Hanna Hölling, Francesca G. Bewer and Katharina Ammann
The Explicit Material: Inquiries on the Intersection of Curatorial and Conservation Culture
Brill, 2019

Alison Wright
Frame Work: Honour and Ornament in Italian Renaissance Art
Yale, 2019

Older Publications
- Robert Mills, Derek Jarman's Medieval Modern, D.S. Brewer, 2018
- Hanna Hölling, Paik's Virtual Archive: Time, Change, and Materiality in Media Art, University of California Press, 2017
- Andrew Hemingway, Landscape between Ideology and the Aesthetic: Marxist Essays on British Art and Art Theory, 1750-1850, Brill, 2016
- Mechthild Fend, Fleshing Out Surfaces: Skin in French Art and Medicine, 1650-1850, Manchester University Press, 2016
- Richard Taws and Genevieve Warwick eds., Art and Technology in Early Modern Europe, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
- Mignon Nixon ed., Mary Kelly (October Files 20), MIT Press, 2016
- Diana Dethloff, Tessa Murdoch, Kim Sloan and Caroline Elam eds., Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman, UCL Press, 2015
- Robert Mills, Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages, University of Chicago Press, 2015
- David Bindman, Warm Flesh, Cold Marble: Canova, Thorvaldsen and Their Critics, Yale University Press, 2014
- Geraldine Pratt and Rose Marie San Juan, Film and Urban Space: Critical Possibilities, Edinburgh University Press, 2014
- Natasha Eaton, Colour, Art and empire: Visual Culture and the Nomadism of Representation, I.B. Tauris, 2013
- Natasha Eaton, Mimesis Across Empires: Artworks and Networks in India, 1765-1860, Duke University Press, 2013
- Richard Taws, The Politics of the Provisional: Art and Ephemera in Revolutionary France, Penn State University Press, 2013
- Warren Carter, Barnaby Haran and Frederic Schwartz eds., Renew Marxist Art History, Art Books, 2013
- Andrew Hemingway, The Mysticism of Money: Precisionist Painting and Machine Age America, Periscope, 2013
- Briony Fer, Gabriel Orozco: Thinking in Circles, The Fruitmarket Gallery, 2013
- Tamar Garb, Distance and Desire: Encounters with the African Archive, Walther collection, 2013
- Robert Mills and Emma Campbell, eds., Rethinking Medieval Translation: Ethics, Politics, Theory, Boydell & Brewer, 2012
- Mechthild Fend, Melissa Hyde and Anne Lafont, eds., Plumes et Pinceaux: Discours de femmes sur l'art en Europe (1750-1850), Les presses du réel, 2012
- Tom Learner, Rachel Rivenc and Emma Richardson, From Start to Finish: De Wain Valentine's Gray Column, Getty Conservation Institute, 2011
- Mechthild Fend, Les limites de la masculinité: L'androgyne dans l'art et la théorie de l'art en France (1750-1830), La Découverte, 2011
- Tamar Garb, Figures and Fictions: Contemporary South African Photography, V&A Publications, 2011
- Rose Marie San Juan, Vertiginous Mirrors: The Animation of the Visual Image and Early Modern Travel, Manchester University Press, 2011
David Bindman and Louis Gates eds., The Image of the Black in Western Art, Harvard University Press, 10 volumes, 2010-2015
- Briony Fer, Eva Hesse: Studiowork, Fruitmarket Gallery and Yale University Press, 2009
- Tamar Garb, The Body in Time: Figures of Femininity in Late Nineteenth-Century France, University of Washington Press, 2008
- Tamar Garb, The Painted Face: Portraits of Women in France, 1814-1914, Yale University Press, 2007
- David Bindman, Stephen Hebron and Michael O'Neill, Dante Rediscovered: From Blake to Rodin, Wordsworth Trust, 2007
- Mechthild Fend and Daniela Bohde, eds., Weder Haut noch Fleisch: Das Inkarnat in der Kunstgeschichte, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2007
- Andrew Hemingway, ed., Marxism and the History of Art: From William Morris to the New Left, Pluto Press, 2006
- Frederic Schwartz, Blind Spots: Critical Theory and the History of Art in Twentieth-Century Germany, Yale University Press, 2005
- Tom Gretton (foreword), David Bindman (introduction), Slade Prints of the 1950s, University College London, 2005
- Alison Wright, The Pollaiuolo Brothers: The Arts of Florence and Rome, Yale University Press, 2005
- Briony Fer, The Infinite Line: Re-Making Art after Modernism, Yale University Press, 2004
- David Bindman, Ape to Apollo: Aesthetics and the Idea of Race in the 18th Century, Cornell University Press, 2002
- Andrew Hemingway, Artists on the Left: American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926-1956, Yale University Press, 2002
- David Bindman, Frédéric Ogée and Peter Wagner eds., Hogarth: Representing Nature's Machines, Manchester University Press, 2001
- Briony Fer, On Abstract ArtYale University Press, 2000
- David Bindman, The Divine Comedy: William Blake, Bibliothèque de l'image, 2000
- Patricia L. Rubin and Alison Wright, Renaissance Florence: The Art of the 1470s, National Gallery, 1999
- Andrew Hemingway and William Vaughan eds., Art in Bourgeois Society 1790-1850, Cambridge University Press, 1998
- Tamar Garb, Bodies of Modernity: Figure and Flesh in Fin-de-Siecle France, Thames & Hudson, 1998
- Alison Wright and Eckart Marchand eds., With and Without the Medici: Studies in Tuscan Art and Patronage 1434-1530, Ashgate, 1998
- Frederic Schwartz, The Werkbund: Design Theory and Mass Culture Before the First World War, Yale University Press, 1996
- David Bindman, Roubiliac and the Eighteenth-Century Monument: Sculpture as Theatre, Yale University Press, 1995
- Tamar Garb, Sisters of the Brush: Women's Artistic Culture in Late Nineteenth-Century Paris, Yale University Press, 1994
- Tamar Garb, Sisters of the Brush: Women's Artistic Culture in Late Nineteenth-Century Paris, Yale University Press, 1994
- Diana Dethloff ed., Drawing: Masters and Methods: Raphael to Redon, Royal Academy of Arts, 1992
- Andrew Hemingway, Landscape Imagery and Urban Culture in Early Nineteenth Century Britain, Cambridge University Press, 1992
- David Bindman, Shadow of the Guillotine: Britain and the French Revolution, British Museum, 1989
- Jill Lloyd, Primitivism and Modernity in the Art of Die Brucke and Emile Nolde before 1914, 1988
- John White, Studies in Late Medieval Italian Art, Pindar Press, 1984
- John White, Studies in Renaissance Art, Pindar Press, 1983
- Tom Gretton, Murders and Moralities: English Catchpenny Prints 1800-1860, British Museum, 1980
- William Vaughan, German Romantic Painting, Yale University Press, 1980
- Deborah Howard, Jacopo Sansovino: Architecture and Patronage in Renaissance Venice, Yale University Press,1975
- William Vaughan, Caspar David Friedrich 1774-1840, Tate Gallery, 1972
- Frank Whitford, Eduardo Paolozzi, Tate Gallery, 1971
- Frank Whitford, Expressionism: Movements of Modern Art, Hamlyn, 1970
- Angelina Ottino della Chiesa, introduction by Leopold Ettlinger, The Complete Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969
- Ettor Camesasca, introduction by Leopold Ettlinger, The Complete Paintings of Michelangelo, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969
- John White, Art and Architecture in Italy 1250-1400, Penguin Books, 1966
- Ernst Gombrich, Norm and Form: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance, Phaidon, 1966
- Leopold Ettlinger, The Sistine Chapel before Michelangelo: Religious Imagery and Papal Primacy, Clarendon Press, 1965