PhD supervisor: Dr Stephanie Schwartz
Working title for PhD: So That You Can Live: Art and Politics in Britain, 1982-1996
This project examines the art and afterlife of the ‘Workshop Movement’, a programme of state funding for artists and groups in Britain from 1982 to 1991. Predominantly supporting the use of film and video, this movement aimed to provide a wide-range of groups the means to not only produce their own work, but also facilitate access to equipment for local communities and non-professionals. I intend to write a history of these artworks and the period they were made in—a period marked by crisis, transformation and political conflict. I will show how these works responded to the social and political issues of the time; how apposite their form was to such crises; and how new forms of image making and reception emerged during this period.
The PhD is funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership.