
History of Art


Careers Support from the Department

We understand that our students have a wide range of needs and goals when it comes to life after UCL. As a student in the History of Art Department, you will have access to careers support throughout your degree programme to help you develop your skills and achieve your ambitions. Working with the central UCL Careers team, we offer a wide range of events and opportunities, including skills workshops, informational presentations, alumni panels, networking opportunities, themed weeks, and careers fairs.

Careers Tutor

The department has a dedicated Careers Tutor, who offers one-to-one advice and support to History of Art students, no matter what stage they are at in their careers journey. The Careers Tutor also organises specialist events that respond to the needs of History of Art students, including an internship seminar, a CV writing workshop, and an alumni roundtable. In recent years we have had former students from the Tate, the BBC and the Royal Academy all come back to UCL to talk to current students.

UCL Careers

All our students and alumni have access to the services of the UCL Careers team, the professional, college-wide office for careers-related support. The office is staffed by experienced Careers Consultants, who also offer one-on-one guidance sessions for History of Art students. Throughout the year UCL Careers offer specialist themed weeks and a Careers Essentials programme of workshops and talks, and their website provides extensive online resources, including blog postings, job vacancies and more. 

UCL Innovation and Enterprise

UCL Innovation and Enterprise offer a range of courses, lectures, events, competitions, and resources for those interested in business and entrepreneurship. Enhance your skills; turn your idea into a great business; find out about the highs, lows, success and failures of the entrepreneurial journey; or just use their free office space to host your start-up. Courses include Marketing and Branding, Entrepreneurial Finance, Sales Strategy, Pitching Skills, Business Plan Writing, Intro to Social Enterprise, Intro to Business Law, and DIY PR.

Societies & Volunteering

The UCL History of Art Society (@uclhoas) regularly organises curator’s tours, talks with art world professionals and career-focused behind-the-scenes glimpses, to students in the department and beyond. In addition, the University College London Union hosts numerous student-run societies oriented towards specific sectors and potential future careers for UCL students, such as Art Business and Advertising, Marketing and PR. These societies organise a range of events and activities to help students develop skills and knowledge and move into careers in their area. The Volunteering Services Unit (VSU) is UCLU's dedicated facility for students who want to get involved with volunteering projects in London. You can give as much or as little time as you can spare, learning new skills, meeting new people, and making a real difference. 

UCL alumni community and mentoring

The UCL Alumni Online Community is an online network of UCL alumni, spanning a wide range of professions, who have volunteered to give informal advice to UCL students and graduates. If you're considering your options and want the inside track on sectors and roles you're interested in, talking to one of these past UCL students could be useful in finding out more. You'll be able to speak with them directly and ask questions to find out what they enjoy about their job, the challenges they've encountered, and what advice they might have about getting into the sector.