2 March 2011. The Deathmaker, film show and discussion. The Rhizome research group will be showing the film "The Deathmaker"(Romuald Karmakar, 1995). Set in 1920s Germany, the film uses as its script the stenographer's record of the meetings between Fritz Haarmann, a salesman who confessed to murdering 24 young men, and Professor Ernst Schultz, the psychiatrist who was brought in by the court to determine Haarman's sanity. Götz George won the Volpi Cup at the Venice Film Festival for the lead role in the film.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with members of the Rhizome
group and Michael Hagner, a noted historian of science and Professor of Science
Studies at the ETH Zurich.
The event will take place on Wednesday 2 March in Seminar Room 2 (Ground Floor,
House 21) at 6 p.m. - 25 October 09 rhizome on the move
- Gordon Museum visit (contact: Mechthild Fend)
- Silent Running (contact: Maria Loh)
- Mechthild Fend will be speaking on 'clinical pictures: portrait and disease in early nineteenth-century dermatological atlases': 16 dec 2009 (history of medicine seminar, 16.45, 183 Euston Road)
- Suture (contact: Fred Schwartz): 11 December 2009, 17.00, 20-21 Gordon Square
- Wellcome SKIN exhibition visit: 30 June 2010 at 4 . 6 p.m. (contact: Mechthild Fend)