
History of Art


Preserves on Film

Body in Pieces: saving the medical collections

Conservator Paul Bates (UCL Pathology Collection/ NHS Royal Free Hospital) has been saving and maintaining medical teaching collections from UCL's partner hospitals for 36 years. Now with the help of Dr Antony Hudek (UCL Mellon Fellow) and Jayne Dunn (UCL Head of Collections Management), Paul's years of hard work are paying off. UCL is re-evaluating how to house and display the collection, and the Victorian plaster casts were the subject of a UCL exhibition, The Body in Pieces. UCL TV November 2011 5:56 min

Exploring Lake Tanganyika

Dr Julia Day (UCL Genetics, Evolution and Environment) gives an insight into her work at the Natural History Museum and her research on biodiversity in fishes endemic to Lake Tanganyika. UCL TV May 2010 4:42 min

Packing up the grant

How does a museum move 68,000 specimens into a new venue? It's no small task. With soundbites from Jack Ashby (Learning and Access Manager at the UCL Grant Museum of Zoology), this audio slideshow follows the move of the collection from July 2010 to March 2011. UCL TV March 2011 3:32 min

The Treasures of the evolution

Palaeobiologist Dr Anjali Goswami (UCL Genetics, Evolution and Environment and UCL Earth Sciences) explains what we can learn about biodiversity from the unique collection housed at UCL's Grant Museum of Zoology. UCL TV May 2010 2:28 min

Art by animals

UCL's Grant Museum of Zoology was hosting an exhibition of art works from several species of animal, including paintings by elephants and apes. The exhibition is co-curated by Mike Tuck, a graduate from the UCL Slade School of Fine Art, and Will Tuck, also a fine artist.

Saint Clair Cemin au Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature - Paris

Artist Saint Clair Cemin explains his sculptural work for the pour l'aménagement du Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature - 62, rue des Archives Paris 3ème.
Saint Clair Cemin expose à la Galerie Daniel Templon - 30, rue Beaubourg 75003 Paris 3:52 min

Renouveau du Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris

Le renouveau du Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, entretien avec Claude d'Anthenaise, conservateur en chef.

Landslide Music video, 2006 

The music video for 'Landslide', the 3rd promo-single taken from The Bigger Picture (2006) by Belgian singer-songwriter Milow. 
Directed by Isaac E. Gozin
Director Of Photography: Nicolas Karakatsanis
Camera Assistent: Rik Zang
Production by Malin-Sarah Gozin @ TV de Wereld
Edited by Bert Jacobs & Maarten Janssens @2Frame
Post Production by Bert Jacobs @ 2Frame
Film developed by Studio Equipe Filmed at The Royal Museum for Central-Africa in Tervuren (Belgium) 3:25 min