
History of Art


The Culture of Preservation

Selected Bibliography

Alberti, Sam: Nature and Culture. Objects, Disciplines and the Manchester Museum, Manchester 2009

Âme au corps, arts et sciences 1793-1993, exhibition catalogue, Paris 1993-94

Baker, Steve: The Postmodern Animal, London 2000

Bal, Mieke: Double Exposures. The Subject of Cultural Analysis, New York 1996

Bennett, Tony: Pasts Beyond Memory. Evolution, Museums, Colonialism, London 2004

Ibid.: The Birth of the Museum. History, Theory, Politics, London 1995

Borland, Christine: Preserves, exhibition catalogue, Edinburgh 2006-07

Butler, Judith: Bodies that Matter. On the Discursive Limits of "Sex," New York, London 1993

Dance, Peter: Animal Fakes & Frauds, Maidenhead 1976

Daston, Lorraine: "The Glass Flowers," in: Ibid. (ed.): Things That Talk. Object Lessons from Art and Science, New York 2004, 222-254

Ibid. and Peter Galison: Objectivity, New York 2007

Desmond, Jane: "Displaying Death, Animating Life: Changing Fictions of ‚Liveness' from Taxidermy to Animatronics," in: Nigel Rothfels (ed.): Representing Animals, Bloomington 2002, 159-179

Dion, Mark: Bureau of the Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy, London 2005

Ibid.: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus), Cologne 2003

Ibid.: "Füllung des Naturhistorischen Museums," in: Texte zur Kunst, vol. 5, no. 20 (November 1995), 75-84

Ibid.: "Renovating Nature," in: Flash Art, vol. 23, no. 155 (November-December 1990), 132-133

Faller, A.: Die Entwicklung der makroskopisch-anatomischen Präparationskunst von Galen bis zur Neuzeit, Basel 1948 (= Acta Anatomica Supplementum VII)

Farber, Paul Lawrence: "The Development of Taxidermy and the History of Ornithology," in: Isis, vol. 68, no. 244 (1977), 550-566

Fend, Mechthild: "Emblems of Durability: Tattoos, Preserves and Photographs," in: Performance Research (Special Issue: Transplantations), vol. 14, no. 4 (2009), 45-52

Ibid.: "Bodily and Pictorial Surfaces: Skin in French Art and Medicine, 1790-1860," in: Art History, vol. 28, no. 3 (2005), 311-339

Foucault, Michel: The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (1966), London 1989

Grave, Johannes: "Selbst-Darstellung. Das Präparat als Bild," in: Kritische Berichte 4 (2009), 25-34

Grosz, Elizabeth: Chaos, Territory, Art. Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth, New York 2008

Hallam, Elizabeth and J. Hockey: Death, Memory and Material Culture, Oxford 2001

Ibid. "Anatomical Bodies and Materials of Memory," in B. Brooks-Gordon et al (eds.): Death Rites and Rights, Oxford 2007

Hansen, Julie V.: "Resurrecting Death. Anatomical Art in the Cabinet of Dr. Frederik Ruysch," in: The Art Bulletin, vol. 58, no. 4 (December 1996), 663-679

Haraway, Donna: "Teddy Bear Patriarchy. Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908-36," in: Social Text (USA), no. 2 (1984-85), 20-64

Heesen, Anke te and Anette Michels (eds.): auf/zu. Der Schrank in den Wissenschaften, Berlin 2007

Ibid. and Petra Lutz (eds.): Dingwelten. Das Museum als Erkenntnisort (= Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums Dresden, 4), Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2005

Ibid.: "Geschlossene und transparente Ordnungen. Sammlungsmöbel und ihre Wahrnehmung in der Aufklärungszeit," in: Gabriele Dürbeck et al (eds.): Wahrnehmung der Natur, Natur der Wahrnehmung. Studien zur Geschichte visueller Kultur um 1800, Amsterdam, Dresden 2001, 19-34

Hopwood, Nick: "Pictures of Evolution and Charges of Fraud. Ernst Haeckel's Embryological Illustrations," in: Isis, vol. 97 (2006), 260-301

Ibid. and Soraya de Chadarevian (eds.): Models. The Third Dimension of Science, Standford 2004

Iconoclash, Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Religion, And Art, exhibition catalogue, Karlsruhe 2002

Jahn, Ilse: Geschichte der Präparationstechnik, Berlin 1986

Jardine, Nicholas, James Secord and Emma Spary (eds.): Cultures of Natural History, Cambridge 1996

Jullien, Franz, Jean-Jaques Escarra and Michel Thireau (eds.): Essai de bibliographie analytique en taxidermie à l'usage des taxidermistes de Musées (= Bulletin de Liaison des Musees d'Histoire Naturelle, Numéro spécial, 1), Paris 1986

Krmpotich, Klara, Joost Fontein and John Harries: "The Substance of Bones: the Emotive Materiality and Affective Presence of Human Remains," in: Journal of Material Culture (Special Issue: Bones), vol. 15 (2010), 371-384

Kelley, Mike: "Playing with Dead Things. On the Uncanny," in: The Uncanny, exhibition catalogue, Arnhem 1993, 3-27

Köstering, Susanne: Natur zum Anschauen. Das Naturkundemuseum des deutschen Kaiserreichs, 1871-1914, Cologne 2003

Kretschmann, Carsten: Räume öffnen sich. Naturhistorische Museen im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts, Berlin 2006

Lange, Britta: Echt, Unecht, Lebensecht. Menschenbilder im Umlauf, Berlin 2006

Lange-Berndt, Petra: "Von der Gestaltung untoter Körper. Techniken zur Animation des Leblosen in Präparationsanleitungen um 1900," in: Peter Geimer (ed.): UnTot. Existenzen zwischen Leben und Leblosigkeit, Berlin 2011, forthcoming

Ibid.: Animal Art. Präparierte Tiere in der Kunst, 1850-2000, Munich 2009

Ibid.: "The Demise of Trophies. A Short History of Taxidermied Animals in Art," in: Furniture as Trophy, exhibition catalogue, Vienna 2009, 100-119

Ibid.: "Sammeln, wie besessen. Mark Dions Bureau of the Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy," in: Karen Buttler (ed.): Jacobs-Weg, Kromsdorf, Weimar 2007, 331-342

Luyendijk-Elshout, Antonie M.: "Death Enlightened. A Study of Frederik Ruysch," in: Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 212, no. 1 (April 1970), 121-126

MacKenzie, John: The Empire of Nature, Hunting, Conservation and British Imperialism, Manchester, New York 1988

Ibid.: Museums and Empire. Human Cultures, Natural History, and Colonial Identities, Manchester 2009

Marcadé, Bernard: "Annette Messager, the Taxidermy of Desire (interview, 1989)," in: Annette Messager. Word for Word. Texts, Writings and Interviews, London 2006, 397-406

Matyssek, Angela: Rudolf Virchow. Das Pathologische Museum. Geschichte einer wissenschaftlichen Sammlung um 1900, Darmstadt 2002

Morris, Pat: A History of Taxidermy. Art, Science, and Bad Taste, Ascot 2010

Ibid.: Walter Potter and his Museum of Curious Taxidermy, Ascot 2008

Ibid.: Van Ingen & Van Ingen. Artists in Taxidermy, Ascot 2006

Ibid.: Edward Gerrard & Sons. A Taxidermy Memoir, Ascot 2004

Ibid.: Rowland Ward: Taxidermist to the World, Ascot 2003

Panzanelli, Roberta (ed.): Ephemeral Bodies. Wax Sculpture and the Human Figure, Los Angeles 2008

Patchett, Merle and Kate Foster: "Repair Work. Surfacing the Geographies of Dead Animals," in: Museum and Society, vol. 6, no. 2 (July 2008), 98-122

Poliquin, Rachel: "The Matter and Meaning of Museum Taxidermy," in: Museum and Society, vol. 6, no. 2 (July 2008), 123-134

Purchell, Rosamond and Stephen Jay Gould: Finders, Keepers, New York, London 1992

Reynolds, Ann: "Reproducing Nature: The Museum of Natural History as Nonsite," in: October, no. 45 (summer 1988), 109-127

Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg: Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube, Stanford 1997

Ibid.: "Präparate-‚Bilder' ihrer selbst. Eine bildtheoretische Glosse," in: Bildwelten des Wissens, Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik, vol. 1.2 (2003), 9-19

Ritvo, Harriet: "Professional Scientists and Amateur Mermaids," in: Victorian Literature and Culture, vol. 19 (1995), 277-291

Rogers, Stephen P., Mary Ann Schmidt and Thomas Gütebier (eds.): An Annotated Bibliography on Preservation, Taxidermy, and Collection Management of Vertebrates with Emphasis on Birds (= Special Publication of Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 15), Pittsburgh 1989

Rony, Fatimah Tobing: The Third Eye. Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle, Durham et al 1998

Schnalke, Thomas: Diseases in Wax. The History of the Medical Moulage, Chicago 1995

Schütte, Andrea: Stilräume. Jacob Burckhardt und die ästhetische Anordnung im 19. Jahrhundert, Bielefeld 2004

Schwartz, Hillel: The Culture of the Copy, New York 1996, 143-174

Sheehy, Colleen (ed.): Cabinet of Curiosities. Mark Dion and the University Collection, Minneapolis, London 2006

Shell, Hanna Rose: "Skin Deep: American Taxidermy, Embodiment and Extinction," in: A. Leviton (ed.): The Past, Present & Future of Natural History Museums, San Francisco 2004, 88-112

Ibid. (ed.): William T. Hornaday. The Extermination of the American Bison (1889), reprint Washington 2002

Simon, Jason: "Artful History: A Restoration Comedy," in: Natural History and Other Fictions. An Exhibition by Mark Dion, exhibition catalogue, Birmingham 1997, 13-17

Simon, Jonathan: "The Theater of Anatomy: The Anatomical Preparations of Honoré Fragonard," in: Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 36 (2002), 63-79

Snæbjörnsdóttir, Bryndis and Mark Wilson: Nanoq. Flat out and Bluesome. A Cultural Life of Polar Bears, London 2006

Spary, Emma: "Codes of Passion: Natural History Specimens as a Polite Language in Late Eighteenth-Century France," in: P. H. Reill and J. Schlumbohm (eds.): Wissenschaft als kulturelle Praxis, 1750-1900, Göttingen 1999, 105-135

Spectacular Bodies, the Art and Science of the Human Body from Leonardo to Now, exhibition catalogue, London 2000-01

Stafford, Barbara Maria: Artful Science. Enlightenment, Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education, Cambridge Mass. 1994

Voss, Julia and Margarete Vöhringer: "Museum Darwinianum: Taxidermie und Psychologie von Schimpansen im postrevolutionären Russland," in: Helmut Höge et al (eds.): Anti-Darwin. Von Lamarck bis Mandelstam, Berlin 2010

Wainwright, Lisa Susan: "From Norman Bates to Annette Messager: Taxidermy for a Reason," in: The New Art Examiner, vol. 23, no. 9 (Mai 1996), 18-22, 37

Wakeham, Pauline: Taxidermic Signs. Reconstructing Aboriginality, Minneapolis 2008

Witzgall, Susanne: Kunst nach der Wissenschaft, Nürnberg 2003

Wonders, Karen: Habitat Dioramas. Illusions of Wilderness in Museums of Natural History, Uppsala 1993

Yanni, Carla: Nature's Museums. Victorian England and the Architecture of Display, London 1999