Events Archive
- Robert Mills - Medieval Dog Love, 5 June 2018
- Octagon Friday Forum: Gold, 9 February 2018
- Nosce te ipsum/Know Thyself, 2 May 2015
- Alexander Kluge at UCL, 3 and 11 October 2014
- Professor Rose Marie San Juan inaugural lecture: Punishment, Anatomy, Recollection, 13 May 2014
- Object Lessons: Fifteen Years of Object: Graduate Research and Reviews in the History of Art and Visual Culture, 21-22 June 2013
- Art History and Psychoanalysis, Workshop 2, 8 June 2013
- Sabotage: (Self-)Destructive Practices in Latin American Contemporary Art, 26 March 2013
- Retracing America: Modernism after Paul Strand, 8-9 March 2013
- Eco-Aesthetics: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology, 2 March 2013
- Eva Hesse in Europe Symposium, 2 February 2013
- Encounters with the African Archive, 10 November 2012
- Performance and Labour Symposium, 3 November 2012
- Moving Images Conference, 27 October 2012
- Postgraduate Symposium in History of Art and Visual Culture, 11 June 2012
- IRWIN/Neue Slowenische Kunst Conference, 1-2 June 2012
- Tattoo Art History: Examining the Vernacular Body Arts, 2 April 2012
- Untitled (labour): Contemporary Art & Immaterial Production, 17 March 2012
- Troubling our 'selves': Between Feminism and Post-Colonialism, 5 March 2012 (pdf)
- Professor Frederic J. Schwartz inaugural lecture: Architecture and Crime: Adolf Loos and the Culture of the 'Case', 17 January 2012
- Celebrating Rozsika Parker: A Day Symposium on Art, Feminism and Psychoanalysis, 10 December 2011
- Portrayal: The Ethics and Poetics of Photographic Depictions of People, 24-25 June 2011
- Figures and Fictions: Artists Panel Discussion, 12 April 2011
- Ida Applebroog: Symposium, 19 March 2011
- Arte Povera and Beyond, 12 March 2011
- The Granddaughters' Generation: Feminism & Art History Now, 5 February 2011
- Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics and Ethics, 3-5 December 2010
- CSCA and Gasworks Conference, 18 Sept 2010
- Early Modern Horror, Saturday 8 May 2010
- Transatlantic Romanticism: International Conference, 15-17 October 2009
- 1789, 1989, 2009 Changing Perspectives on Post-Revolutionary Art, 12-13 June 2009
- Zones of Conflict, October 2008-February 2009