
History of Art


Conference: Heritage, Participation, Performativity, Care

12 March 2021, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

Heritage, Participation, Performativity, Care

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Helia Marcal


The forum Heritage, Participation, Performativity, Care is a one-day online event taking place on the 12th March, 2021, starting at 10 am. It seeks to explore processes of care and participation concerning living heritage and performative practices.

Confirmed speakers include Shadreck Chirikure (Oxford University), Farideh Fekrsanati (Museum am Rothenbaum, Kulturen und Künste der Welt), Tracy Ireland (University of Canberra), Shose Kessi (University of Cape Town), Sally Labern (the drawing shed and University of East London), Genner Ortiz (Leiden University), Ioannis Poulios (Hellenic Open University), Jen Shannon (University of Colorado) and Dr. Joseph "Woody" Aguilar (Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer at San Ildefonso). The event will encompass presentations of projects, visions, perspectives, and moments of discussion. When you register, you will be automatically assigned a break-out room for the dedicated discussion session: a time for more informal, open and generative exchange, welcoming diverse voices to discuss what makes the heritage we ought to conserve and who is called to participate in creating and caring for those heritage practices. We hope you will join us.


Part 1

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=586W6SjeLXk


1. Tracy Ireland, University of Canberra and Director of the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research 
The insignificance of happiness
2. Ioannis Poulios, Ahmedabad University, India 
The ‘Living Heritage Approach’: Beyond Preservation and Towards Creation - Reconsidering Community Participation in Heritage Management
3. Sally Labern, Artist Director of the drawing shed 
How We Begin Matters: Processes of un-learning and un-colonising; ‘Diminishing Returns’ in Psardares, the Republic of North Macedonia to ‘In/Visible Fields’, East London UK

Part 2

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/6j_QJdIvSQY
Shadreck Chirikure, Oxford University and University of Cape Town 
Heritage in our language: ‘universal concepts’, local performativity and the freezing of discourse and practice at World Heritage places in Africa

Part 3

Farideh Fekrsanati, Museum am Rothenbaum, Kulturen und Künste der Welt, Hamburg 
The Art of Caring – Performing Collections Care

Part 4

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/FIojh9mmDxg

1. Genner Ortiz, University of Leiden 
Digital Abiayala: Challenges and opportunities for Indigenous heritage in Latin America
2. Jen Shannon, University of Colorado 
Joseph "Woody" Aguilar, Pueblo of San Ildefonso Tribal Historic Preservation Office and Tribal Historic Preservation Office at San Ildefonso 
Collaboration is Theory in Motion: Redesigning the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum at Mesa Verde National Park in Partnership with Twenty-Six Pueblos and Tribes
3. Shose Kessi, University of Cape Town 
Identity, belonging and the contestation of public art