2016 Summer Term
Date |
Speaker | Title |
Thursday 26 May |
Renée Mussai | 'Black, but Comely': Picturing Ethnic Excess - The African Choir in Victorian Britain |
Tuesday 14 June |
Mallika Leuzinger | The Intimate Contract of Photography Haleema Hashim's Practice and its Archival Afterlives |
Thursday 16 June |
Laura Spada | The Body Re-imagined: The Bizzarie di Varie Figure and Performative Cycles of Prints in 17th-Century Florence |
Monday 20 June | Katarzyna Falęcka | Manière de Voir: Seeing Algeria 50 Years after Independence |
Tuesday 21 June |
Lara Cancian | Negotiating Liminality: Infant Memoralisation in Late Fifteenth-Century Italy |
Saturday 25 June |
Postgraduate Work in Progress Symposium 2.30-6pm |
Tuesday 28 June |
Marta Zboralska | Between Space and Place: In the Studio of Henryk Stażewski and Edward Krasiński |
Thursday 30 June | Stephanie King | Selective Traditions: Colourlessness in the 1970s |