
Institute of Archaeology



Fieldwork is an important component of the UCL Institute of Archaeology degree programmes and contributes to the experience of our students.

Panoramic shot of a site under excavation by UCL Institute of Archaeology students in a London park (Image credit: Pete Barry)

[Image credit: Pete Barry]


Our Undergraduate Programmes recognise the importance of students gaining fieldwork experience and funding is available for this (depending on the project chosen this can be fully funded or partially funded for both subsistence and travel costs). Our students undertake fieldwork both in the UK and overseas. Details of selected recent fieldwork undertaken by our students are highlighted below.

Six people (students) in branded blue t-shirts on an ancient farm with replica roundhouses in the background and camping tents in the foreground


In the first week of the first year, the 4-day Experimental Archaeology course 'ArchaeoTech' gives our new students early exposure to a variety of aspects of early technologies and archaeological processes. It also provides excellent opportunities for them to get to know each other, as well as the officers of the student society and members of staff.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/C2fTCN0pwXs

Building a Replica Roman Pottery Kiln 

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/W9kOUWulZdA?si=cdGTC4yN70-g2l9G
YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/ed516kkizg0?si=TQeTF1P7zRQ8M6-9
YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/scNF2Ka5ZP0?si=9Zxh973_FY5iVvc-

Together with the Training Excavation, in the summer of the first year, our students develop skills and experience needed to get the most out of the rest of their fieldwork, carried out throughout the Programme. They will acquire an excellent grounding in field excavation and recording techniques as well as the experience of life on an archaeological excavation.

Student views

Celine Chong, BSc Archaeology

Female student dressed in black, facing the camera side on, sitting on the grass in a field/park location on a sunny day with a rainbow bag behind her
The Greenwich Park excavation was memorable, especially during the moments when we found the staircase, and when I found some shackles!"

Gina Hollaway,  BA Archaeology 

Female student with long brown/red hair in plaits wearing a grey top and yellow high-vis jacket, standing inside a church-like building holding an archaeological find (animal jaw bone)
Fieldwork is a wonderful part of the UCL degree with a little something for everyone. If digging is not your thing, you may find joy in post excavation like I did. Or perhaps spreading knowledge and enthusiasm to the public is something you'd love to do. There's something for everyone."

 Sakshi Surana, BA Archaeology with a Placement Year Graduate of 2023 

Student in dark blue top and orange high-vis trousers, kneeling on the ground beside the edge of a trench, holding a board on her knee, with a red-bricked wall in the background
Fieldwork is a wonderful part of the IoA degrees. It’s great to be able to put things you’ve been learning into practice- whether that is digging or post-excavation work or digital fieldwork! I’ve been able to do a lot of fieldwork in my time at the Institute and have really enjoyed it!"

Rachel Weller, BA Archaeology and Anthropology

Female student in a green top and yellow high-vis jacket, smiling, standing in a rural location/site and holding up a trowel
Fieldwork is really cool, enjoyable and I feel in touch with nature. I found a Roman cobble path and it’s cool to find material people haven’t touched in hundreds of years and to be the first person to see it. Fieldwork is a sociable, fun environment and you get to know other students and staff. I like it! And now I want to do loads of fieldwork."

Bodiam Castle Fieldwork Summer 2024: Sussex

Our students have joined forces with colleagues at Archaeology South-East and the National Trust to excavate at Bodiam Castle, over the next three years, in the lead-up to its 100th anniversary in the care of the National Trust in 2026. Read more about this new fieldwork project.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/VVQ-zt6xyqI


Thames Foreshore Fieldwork 2023-24: central London

Our students led by Stuart Brookes commenced a programme of fieldwork along the Thames foreshore in central London during the 2023-24 academic session. Read more about this student experience.

A sunny day in London with people in the distance standing on the Thames foreshore with wooden structures in the foreground

 Training Excavation 2023: Greenwich, London

The UCL Institute of Archaeology, in partnership with the Royal Parks at Greenwich, and Archaeology South-East colleagues, excavated a WWII air raid shelter during May and June. 1st year undergraduate students, with staff and Institute alumni, excavated the site, revealing and recording the original features of the structure.

3D Modelling

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T9_csBQWFs&list=PL-9YApYkS4j1XOeIsamKHi...


YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpKUsTgJMz4&list=PL-9YApYkS4j1XOeIsamKHi...


YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktkZCGXKuD8&list=PL-9YApYkS4j1XOeIsamKHi...


Fieldwork Stories

Ethiopia 2022-23 - read Selina Han's Fieldwork Diary

A picture of a rock hewn church in sand coloured stone with a local man sitting outside

Selina Han (3rd year undergraduate, UCL Institute of Archaeology) shares her experience of conducting fieldwork in Ethiopia.

UCL Norton Fieldcourse 2023 - read Gina Hollaway's Fieldwork Diary

Horse skeleton excavated during the UCL Norton Fieldschool

Gina Hollaway (1st year undergraduate, UCL Institute of Archaeology) shares her experience of participating in the Norton fieldcourse. 

40th Anniversary of Experimental Archaeology

40th Anniversary ArchaeoTech at Butser Ancient Farm (Sept 2022)

ArchaeoTech is hosted by Butser Ancient Farm and run by colleagues from the UCL Institute of Archaeology and Archaeology South-East (ASE).

IoA Students on Placement at ASE 2022-23

UCL Archaeology South-East (ASE) archaeologists on site

Find out more about the students on the BA Archaeology with Placement Year who will get experience in all areas of commercial archaeology at ASE.

ArchaeoTech short video: Archaeological glass making

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/h_uXwCpilHs?si=MOLzLv95L0HGnEjS


ArchaeoTech short video: Neolithic scapula shovels

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/PS_Xp8Xpy14?si=G_vxqTGXMJD6nwBR


ArchaeoTech short video: Prehistoric spears

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtube.com/shorts/_ylCq_Vk8Po?si=IKjst6IaUf0ebO65