Site | The name by which the location of the hundred meeting-place is most commonly known or as used in the excavation report |
Hundred | Use hundred name as recorded in Domesday Book [Excel file: 85kb] |
Parish | Modern (post 1974) parish within which the site is located |
County | Use the pre-1974 historic county division |
ID no. / Class | For Project use only |
Checklist from written sources | Yes/No tickboxes, and 'Details' field. Enter relevant Domesday Book entries. Other useful resources are the Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516 and 'locations' listing of the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England |
E/N | O.S. Easting and Northing - always provide a 12-figure grid reference, refer to plan / survey. Provide in metres an assessment of the accuracy of the location; in many cases the meeting-place may only be defined to a locale, or field |
SCR (Site Certainty Rating) |
Enter a number between 0-5, where: 5 - Strong, contemporary evidence supporting location at a particular place 4 - Identified from place-name evidence, convincingly supported by a number of earlier forms 3 - Identified from place-name evidence and post-Conquest sources 2 - Local tradition and post-Conquest sources 1 - Modern scholarly guess based on topographical attributes of the site 0 - Site lost |
LCR (Locational Certainty Rating) |
Enter a number between 0-5, where: 5 - Can be located precisely, i.e. within 20m 4 - Can be located closely (within 100m) to a field on the basis of field-names or the convergence of archaeological features 3 - Can be located to a spread of place-names over a wide area 2 - Can be located to a settlement name 1 - Can be located to a parish 0 - Site lost |
Is the site spatially central / peripheral to the hundred? | Give an assessment of the location of the meeting-place relative to its territory, e.g. "centrally-located"; "near hundred boundary"; "central, on parish boundary" |
Is the site located at a communications hub? | Yes/No tickboxes. Provide a description of the crossing, e.g. crossroads of Margary 27 and 116 |
Comments | Discuss the locale in general terms, and list any other potentially meaningful landscape associations or evidence |
Sound-shed recorded | Yes/No tickbox |
Sound-shed spindle | Annotate the shape of the area of audibility, making note of clarity of observations at set points/orientations (e.g. can you hear all the detail/ hear some/none of words spoken at the meeting-place) |
Schematic panorama | Sketch of 360º horizon showing major landforms and routeway approaches |
Modern Setting | Yes/No tickboxes most closely describing the modern setting |
Can be located within | Define in metres how closely the site can be identified in the modern landscape |
Aspect | Descriptive text field, e.g. South-facing slope; hilltop; etc |
Conditions | e.g. overcast, poor visibility |
Wind direction | e.g. "north-westerly", "south-easterly" |
Are there distinctive landscape markers (natural or artificial) in the vicinity? | Yes/No tickboxes |
Discussion | Additional thoughts on the potential significance of the site. Discuss the area of visibility. List any potentially significant topographical features (e.g. barrows, watercourses, rock formations) and their inter-visibility from the site. Identify any topographical simulacra (the likeness of natural features to cultural forms) which you think may be significant |
Checklist | Yes/No tickboxes of additional observations |
Initial and date | |
Continuation Sheet | Use this to draw a sketch plan of principle features, or attach a print-out of an annotated OS map of the area |