Beverley Butler is involved in the development of a collaborative project between UCL and Birzeit University (BZU) focusing upon the Petrie Palestinian Collection (PPC) and the Tawfik Canaan Collection (TCC).
The intention is to develop a programme of academic exchange between the Institute of Archaeology, UCL and BZU which focuses upon the PPC and the TCC.
A convergence in terms of both collections - as primary sources - has been noted, both having been recently digitised. The objective is to create prototypes of each collection in the form of interactive, digital archives.
The shared aims of these prototypes are
- to make relationships between different levels of primary, secondary and tertiary data
- to create links with the contemporary context by conducting field-work projects
The hope also exists that the collaboration will be a means of discovering and developing comparative analyses of the PPC and TCC capable of offering new critical insights and perspectives into these respective collections.