
Institute of Archaeology


AG Forschungsgeschichte

The workgroup on the History of archaeology is a loose network of researchers from several European countries who are interested in the subject. The group organises meetings, conferences and sections in general conferences to further collaboration and discussion in this research area.

Related outputs

  • U. Sommer 2010, Anthropology, Ethnography and Prehistory - a Hidden Thread in the History of German Archaeology. In: Hardy, K. (ed.), Archaeological Invisibility and Forgotten Knowledge: Conference Proceedings, Łódź, Poland, 5th-7th September 2007. Oxford, Archaeopress 2010, 6-22.
  • Sommer, U. 2009. The International Congress of Anthropology and prehistoric Archaeology and German Archaeology. In: M.-A. Kaeser/M. Babeş (eds.), Archéologues sans Frontières: pour une histoire des Congrès Archéologiques Internationaux (1866-2006). BAR Int. Ser. 2046. Oxford: Archaeopress, 17-31. ISBN 978 1 4073 0622 3.
  • Sommer, U. (2009). 'Der Vorwelt Räthsel' - Daker, Kelten, Skythen und Geten. In: Grunwald, S., Koch, J. K., Sommer, U. Wolfram, S. (eds.), Artefact. Festschrift für Frau Professor Dr. Sabine Rieckhoff zum 65. Geburtstag. UPAS 172, Bonn: Habelt, 219-232. ISBN 978-3-7749-3633-1
  • Sommer, U. (2008). A Choice of ancestors - the mechanisms of ethnic ascription in the age of patriotic antiquarianism (1815-1850). In: Schlanger,N., Nordbladh,J. (ed.) Archives, Ancestors, Practices, Archaeology in the lights of its history. London: Berghahn, 233-246. ISBN: 1-84545-066-3
  • Sommer, U. (2007). The Freedom of the woods: Antiquarian landscapes and politics. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 17(2), 31-41. ISSN: 1062-4740.