
Institute of Archaeology


Science Museum Group - Looking Back, Looking Forward

4 February 2025

Theano Moussouri (UCL Institute of Archaeology) has contributed to a special 10th birthday issue of the Science Museum Group Journal which is now available.

Three people (two adults and a child) interacting in a museum/gallery space

To mark its 10th anniversary, contributors to the Science Museum Group Journal look back at the achievements of the last decade and forward to an exciting future of change and development. 

Theano Moussouri and a collection of authors, with huge and varied experience of the cultural sector to think about the last decade and pick one thing that stands out for them. The brief was open and included books, exhibitions, digital innovation and general trends. The only restriction was that the contributions were short and were accompanied by a single image.

Theano reviewed the volume Learning and Everyday Life: Access, Participation, and Changing Practice by Jean Lave (2019), as Jean's work can be of particular relevance to museums and how they make learning possible for different communities through understanding and supporting different, more culturally responsive of access to it. 

Theano has recently taken over (jointly with Laura-Edythe Coleman) as Editor of Curator: The Museum Journal and acted as Guest Editor (jointly with Doris Ash,  Bonita Bennett,  Kenneth Cohen and Anna Leshchenko) for the Special Issue, entitled Incarceration: Museum research and practice

Theano's own volume which explores museum participation and meaning making in the realm of everyday family practices was published in October 2024 by Routledge. 

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