Ecological Futures in and with the Public Museum: A Manifesto
17 December 2024
Rodney Harrison (UCL Institute of Archaeology) has been invited to give the keynote lecture at the Korean National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) 2024 Annual International Symposium 'What do Art Museums Pursue? Art, Museums and Publicness.'
How might museums thus address the challenges of the present moment in order to facilitate a reimagining of contemporary and historical human-environmental relations and become a conduit for public action for climate empowerment and in ongoing struggles for ecological and social justice?
Rodney Harrison will deliver the keynote lecture, titled “Ecological Futures in and with the Public Museum: A Manifesto”, at the Korean National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) 2024 Annual International Symposium “What do Art Museums Pursue? Art, Museums and Publicness” in Seoul on Wednesday 18 December.
Drawing on his work on various collaborative research projects including Museum, Field, Metropolis, Colony: Practices of Social Governance, the Black Atlantic Innovation Network, Towards a more-than-humanities and social sciences for Just Transitions and Reimagining Museums for Climate Action, Rodney’s talk will map out a manifesto for a novel understanding of the function of museums in society in which they play a central role in a newly reimagined collective more-than-human public sphere.