
Institute of Archaeology


Britannia Award for Community Archaeology Geophysics Group

6 December 2024

The Community Archaeology Geophysics Group has been presented with the prestigious Britannia Award by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies.

Ruth Halliwell receives the Britannia Award medal from Lacey Wallace of the SPRS

The Community Archaeology Geophysics Group (CAGG) grew out of the work of an AHRC-funded project, led by Kris Lockyear (UCL Institute of Archaeology) on Sensing the Iron Age and Roman Past: Geophysics and the Landscape of Hertfordshire.

The project's aim was to conduct archaeological magnetometry survey on a number of Late Iron Age and Roman sites throughout Hertfordshire and was a collaboration with a number of local heritage groups, including the Welwyn Archaeological Society, the North Herts Archaeological Society, the East Herts Archaeological Society, the St. Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, the Berkhamstead and District Archaeological Society, the West Essex Archaeological Group, the Welwyn Hatfield Museum Service, the St. Albans Museum Service, the St. Albans District Council, the Hertfordshire Historical Environment Department, the Wheathampstead Historical Society, the Welwyn Hatfield Young Archaeologists Club and the St. Albans Young Archaeologists Club.

The Community Archaeology Geophysics Group (CAGG) was nominated for the Britannia Award by Dr Isobel Thompson (UCL) and Professor Stephen Upex (Cambridge), in particular for their survey work at the Roman cities of Verulamium and Durobrivae. 

The Britannia Award medal is inscribed "In recognition of extraordinary voluntary service to Roman archaeology in Britain."

According to Kris Lockyear, who facilitates the group's work:

I am so pleased that CAGG have received this award in recognition of the hundreds of days survey they have undertaken over the last eleven years, and their growing expertise in geophysical survey." 

The award was accepted by Ruth Halliwell on behalf of CAGG at the Reconnecting Roman Britain conference in Chester last month.


Image:  Ruth Halliwell receives the Britannia Award medal from Lacey Wallace of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies