
Institute of Archaeology


Ask an Academic: Sue Hamilton

15 June 2019

Sue Hamilton, Director of the UCL Institute of Archaeology, was interviewed recently by the UCL Global Engagement Office regarding her research on Rapa Nui.

Sue Hamilton undertaking archaeological research on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

Sue is Principal Investigator of the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Landscapes of Construction Project, which has been substantially funded over the past decade by the British Academy and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. 

The project is a collaboration with the Universities of Bournemouth (Co-Investigator), Manchester (Co-Investigator), Cambridge and Highlands and Islands, in the UK, together with representatives of the Chilean Council of Monuments, MAPSE (the island’s museum) and the indigenous peoples of Rapa Nui.

Sue and her team were the first British archaeologists to work on the island since 1914, when the English archaeologist and anthropologist, Katherine Routledge carried out the first true survey of the island.

Sue was interviewed about her unique partnership with the indigenous community of Easter Island, and how she navigates the relationship with both the local community and the Chilean government while conducting her research.

The UCL Global Engagement Office (GEO) helps put UCL's knowledge and ideas to work in the world, facilitating and strengthening new and existing collaborations.

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