Diversify your data to maximise reuse: From methodology to digital practices
29 January 2025, 4:30 pm–5:30 pm

Aida Fadioui (University of Antwerp), Lise Foket (University of Ghent) & Chiara Giovannetti (University of Pisa) will give the next seminar in the series 'What Can Data Do For Us?', run by the Transforming Data Reuse in Archaeology (TETRARCHs) project, on 29 January.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Dr Sara Perry
This is a free online seminar, open to all.
In the context of the Transforming data rE-use in ARCHaeology (TETRARCHs) project, we are seeking to increase the reusability of archaeological data. As heritage sites are not merely places of knowledge, but places of emotions, we also strive to optimise archaeological data for a more impactful expression. As such, we explore archaeological data reuse through the lens of storytelling. During this seminar Aida will present a methodology – and some preliminary results – rooted in grounded theory for developing alternative data models, based on experiments conducted with different audiences. Chiara will present complementary work, carried out with children aged 6 to 13 and aimed at repurposing materials for recreational and educational activities. Lise will critically discuss the use of digital environments tailored for archaeological heritage data. She will consider their capacities for facilitating co-creation, collecting and publishing diverse forms of data, and creating new expressions and stories.
About the presenters
Aida Fadioui is a full-time doctoral scholarship holder in the field of digital heritage within the ARCHES research group and GhentCDH, working on developing a metadata modelling strategy to maximise archaeological data reuse for storytelling purposes. Her main research interests involve digital heritage and oral traditions, and she also has an interest in postcolonial and queer studies.
Lise Foket is a PhD Researcher in the field of digital humanities and digital heritage within GhentCDH and the ARCHES research group. Her work focuses on fostering user-centered approaches to open-source tools, and exploring how digital tools can enhance the accessibility, usability and engagement with digital heritage collections. Her overarching goal is to ensure digital humanities tools are sustainable, inclusive, and impactful in both academic and public contexts.
Chiara Giovannetti is a trained archaeologist and PhD Student in Heritage Science, working between the University of Pisa and the University of Antwerp. She is interested in public archaeology and studies how to develop the social potential of archaeology starting from the data itself, by making databases more accessible and reusable.
This online event is organised by the TETRARCHs project, made possible by Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) & CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe. Further details and Zoom registration are via the booking link above.
TETRARCHs (Transforming Data Reuse in Archaeology), an international research project, aims to make archaeological data (from excavations and post-excavation research) accessible to a wide range of people, so that the data can be used and reused for educational, creative and other life-enriching purposes. For this reason, the project team will work collaboratively across a range of communities to come up with ways in which data use and reuse can be made easier for cultural heritage storytelling.
If you would like us to notify you about future seminars and other activities related to the TETRARCHs project and are not on our regular mailing list yet, please email us on hello@tetrarchs.org or a.simandiraki-grimshaw@ucl.ac.uk confirming your interest. We will keep your details on file until the project’s close at the end of 2025.