From Villages to Cities: Agricultural Production and Settlement Growth in Eastern Eurasia
24 June 2019, 10:00 am–6:00 pm
A symposium, organised by the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology (ICCHA), will be held at the UCL Institute of Archaeology on 24 June.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
ICCHA Centre Administrator (Rui Pang)
Room 612Institute of Archaeology31-34 Gordon SquareLondonWC1H 0PYUnited Kingdom
10:00-10:30 Coffee and Welcome
- 10:30-11:30 Luan, Fengshi (Keynote speaker, Shandong University) – The Emergence of Inner and Outer Cities: a New Phase in China’s Early Urban Development
- 11:30-12:00 Qin, Ling (Peking University) – the Foundation of Agriculture in Longshan Culture: Understanding the City-Centred Regional Social Model in Hai-Dai Area in Shandong
- 12:00-12:30 Dorian Fuller (UCL) – Agricultural Innovation: Perennial crops, and urbanising agriculture
- 12:30-13:00 Jin, Guiyun (Shandong University) – Subsistence and Society: Understanding the Beixin Culture in Shandong
13:00-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-14:40. Scott Hawken (UNSW Sydney) – Agrarian Urbanism in Southeast Asia: a multi-millennial view of landscape change
- 14:40-15:10 Cristina Castillo (UCL) – Agricultural Production and Urban Horticulture at Angkor Wat
- 15:10-15:40 Wang, Tingting (Sun Yat-sen University) – Crossing Paths: Millet, Wheat and Early East-West Interaction along the Inner Asia Mountain Corridor
15:40-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:30 Miljana Radivojevic (UCL) – Before Silk: Tracing the Bronze Roads in Central Asia
- 16:30-17:00 Li, Cheng (Northwest University) – The Spread of Wheat Cultivation in the Middle-and-Lower Yellow River Valley during Han Dynasty
- 17:00-17:30 Rita Dal Martello (UCL) - Agricultural Production in Yunnan from the Neolithic through the Bronze Age
- 17:30-18:00 Marvin Demicoli (Liverpool University) – Wood, Fire and People: Insights from Wood Charcoal in Neolithic sites in China
18:00 Closing remarks by Dorian Fuller and Wine Reception
The event is free but booking is essential.