Corpus Refs:Macalister/1949:1045
Discovery:first mentioned, 1851 inc
History:Okasha/1993, 307: `The stone may be the one referred to in 1851. A chapel erected at Pendraves in 1842 was described in 1851 as on `the site of an ancient chapel, among the ruins of which workmen discovered an inscribed and curiously sculptured tablet of granite'. A. C. Thomas concluded that this was the inscribed stone and that the ruins were St. James' Chapel, Treslothan [Thomas/1967a]. The stone may also be the one referred to in 1875 by Rhys: `Mr Iago told me of another altar, a fragment of which is preserved in the neighbourhood', that is, in the neighbourhood of Camborne. The stone was certainly recorded in 1889 by Langdon: `The slab now forms the top of a sundial in the private grounds of Pendarves'. In December 1955, after the demolition of Pendarves House, the stone was brought to the church and placed in its present position'.
Geology:Okasha/1993, 307: `granite'.
Dimensions:0.96 x 0.72 x 0.25 (Okasha/1993)
Setting:in struct
Okasha/1993, 307: `The stone is now in Treslothan church. It is set on a pedestal and is in use as an altar, at the east end of the south-east aisle'.
Macalister/1949, 177: `A slab of granite'.

Okasha/1993, 307: `The stone is a slab'.

Thomas/1994, 329: `frontal panel'.

Condition:complete , some
Macalister/1949, 177: `The corners of the slab are broken off'.
Crosses:1: latin; linear; straight; plain; plain; none; angular; none; n/a
Decorations:frame; geometric key pattern

Macalister/1949, 177: `It bears a rectangular panel, with a simple cross in the centre, surrounded by a Wall of Troy pattern; thus resembling the preceding stone in general style [TWINT/1]'.

Okasha/1993, 307: `a slab with incised margins and a T-fret within the margins'.



TSLTN/1/1     Pictures


Langdon, A. Allen, R (1895):A/EGURE | D
Langdon/Allen/1895 58 reading only
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949):AGU/RE | D
Macalister/1949 177 reading only
Okasha, E. (1965):[..GU.E]
Okasha/1993 308 reading only
Thomas, C. (1967):A/EGU/RE | D
Thomas/1967a 104 reading only


Position:n/a ; top ; n/a ; other
Okasha/1993, 307: `incised without framing-lines in a space left by panels and margins on the face of the slab'.
Date:900 - 1099 (Okasha/1993)
Okasha/1993, 308: `This stone belongs to category 3a, altar-slabs. It is dated to the tenth or eleventh century on artistic grounds, especially on the evidence of the T-fret. A.C. Thomas suggested that it was later in date than the similar Camborne altar-slab [Thomas/1967a, 104, 106]'.
Language:name only (rbook)
Ling. Notes:Okasha/1993, 308: `The text is likely to be a name but its exact form is not now recoverable'.
Palaeography:Langdon/Allen/1895, `Reading doubtful'.

Macalister/1949, 177: `The letters of the inscription are of an eccentric form, and not very easy to indentify. The R is inverted[1], and is ligatured to the following N...Langdon reads the first letter as a/e, but this is hardly justifiable.

[1] It might possibly be a d or a t, if those interpretations would give a better reading'.

Okasha/1993, 307--308: `The script appears to be predominantly insular but this is not certain [due to deterioration]...The text is now virtually illegible, and only three letters can be made out...The first drawing of the stone, by Langdon, was published in 1895 and it shows that even then the text was difficult to read'.

Macalister/1949, 177: `The letters of the inscription are of an eccentric form, and not very easy to identify'.

Okasha/1993, 307: `The text is so highly deteriorated that it is not clear whether or not it is complete...The text has not significantly deteriorated since 1965'.

Carving errors:n

