Corpus Refs: | Higgins/1987:103 Macalister/1949:530 |
Site: | TGENE |
Discovery: | first mentioned, 1872 Ferguson, S. |
History: | |
Geology: | Higgins/1987, 383: `limestone'. |
Dimensions: | 1.15 x 0.87 x 0.0 (Higgins/1987) |
Setting: | in struct |
Location: | earliest Higgins/1987, 383: `This stone is incorporated in the outside of the N. wall of Teaghlach Éinne, Inishmore, Aran Islands...It is incorporated side-ways in the wall and is in secondary position'. Macalister/1949, 5: `built into the S. wall of the church'. |
Form: | Incomplete Information Higgins/1987, 383, notes that its inclusion into the wall precludes a full examination, but comments that it `is a large subrectangular block'. |
Condition: | inc , good |
Folklore: | none |
Crosses: | none |
Decorations: | no other decoration |
Macalister, R.A.S. (1949): | OROITAR | SCANDLAN Expansion: OROIT AR SCANDLAN Translation: CISP: A Prayer for Scandland. Macalister/1949 5, Plate II minor reference |
Higgins, J.G. (1987): | OROITAR || SCA{N}DLAN Expansion: OROIT AR SCANDLAN Higgins/1987 383, Fig. 99, Plate 50A concise discussion |
Orientation: | Not Applicable |
Position: | inc ; inc ; n/a ; ind |
Incision: | pocked Higgins/1987, 383: `The letters are large and boldly cut and have been executed by pocking with a point. The pocking is deep and neatly done'. |
Date: | None published |
Language: | Goidelic (rbook) |
Ling. Notes: | none |
Palaeography: | Higgins/1987, 383: `The letter N is ligatured or seems to have been left out and inserted as an afterthought'. Macalister/1949, 5: `the first N has evidently been omitted accidentally and subsequently inserted'. CISP: The lettering is a very angular Insular half-uncial. The A's are in the 'OC' form and the R, I, N and D have wedge-shaped finials. The Rs are in an angular half-uncial form, the bows of the A's are square and the minuscule N has a flat top. The half-uncial T is also angular. The D has a vertical ascender and an open bow and the S is half-uncial. Between the A and D of the second line there is a small and raised curved minuscule N. |
Legibility: | inc |
Lines: | 2 |
Carving errors: | y |
Doubtful: | no |